Expressive E Osmose

Makes sense. I was wondering if there was something internal they needed to put in there.

Hi @Jukka, yes, that will part of it, and also the HydraSynth desktop. I already use the Linnstrument 128 for those. To be honest, though, I suspect I will mainly be using it for controlling its internal engine more than other synths. After watching True Cuckoo’s video, I play like him (soft/light finger touch), which is why the Linnstrument is so enjoyable. I have always wanted a keyboard that has per-note pressure sensitivity “all the way down” (so to speak).

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I tested 2 parts splits and 3 parts layered. Worked like a charm !
Depending on the patches you split or layer polyphony could be reduced.

From the Haken Continuum users FB group:

Most Osmose presets are new, created by the Osmose team. These are optimized specifically for the Osmose and are not intended to be run on the Continuum, ContinuuMini or EaganMatrix module, though they will run to varying degrees of success (no guarantees about sound taking Osmose presets and running them on Continuum - or vice versa). Note: There are no plans to integrate Osmose presets into the Continuum System Presets. The system presets that are in common between Osmose and Continuum should be run using their respective editor versions (for example run the Continuum version of Choir on Continuum, don’t bring over the Osmose version to run, etc.)

complemented by:

Also - Everyone with Osmose remember that you should be upgrading the firmware and presets with the Osmose tools you get from Expressive E. Don’t try and update through the editor (if you even have the option - I’m not sure there).

That sounds a bit fractured, I could understand the performance aspects not working out ideally when transferred between but that sounds more like they are keeping everything walled off versus having a unified platform.

Nah, IMO it is to avoid confusion among “non-power users”. There will guidance on how to port presets between platforms. Let’s wait and see how it will develop :slight_smile:

Nothing is walled off, the platform is the same. They are only talking about factory presets being crafted for optimal use on particular devices. There is nothing to stop you loading them on other members of the family, but the devilish detail matters when it comes to how playable they are. And thats inevitable due to the way the expressive inputs vary between device, and the way these inputs are at the heart of patches rather than an afterthought.

I don’t know, coming from Richard Kram, it sort of puts the fear of God in me.

Theres nothing to fear, he was just being honest in that there are aspects of the presets which are inevitably tailored to the differing playing surfaces, and the detail of that needs to be taken into account because it has practical implications that need to be worked through on a per patch basis. And he does end on a positive note by saying “I’ll be creating some videos on how to port presets between the two once I get my Osmose.”


That’s definitely a relevant piece missing from the excerpt.

Expressive E : " for the moment, Osmose is monotimbral"

Me enjoying 3 patches layered and 2 split parts : " Yeah sure !"

As a sidenote, the link to the updater from EE and HK point to the same file on the same repository…Just choose the correct firmware.
Individual patches are in the files you download. They are .mid, load them in an empty user slot in the editor and see if it runs as you would expect…That’s not rocket science for anyone who already tried to backup and restore an elektron box in the correct place with C6 ! :rofl:

It seems they all take extra precautions to be sure everything runs fine but in the end they take it a little too far IMHO.Almost to the point of confusing everyone…

Except for input device, Osmose runs a strictly identical system as Continuum. Proof is, flashing firmware is a 20 years time travel experience to the past… :triumph: Enjoy your coffee while uploading factory patches… :coffee:

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I agree, it’s confusing many… and unfortunately, some are then repeating these misunderstanding. (without actually testing/trying things themselves)
not blaming anyone, its human nature, and people are trying to help… but I fear its only going to get worst when we get the next batch of newcomers.

to be 100% clear…

Haken Editor/Eagan Matrix engines is exactly the same in Osmose, and (latest) Continuum.

however, ALL Eagan Matrix presets are designed for a particular surface, so may or may not work as expected on another surface… but you could adapt in the Editor, though the effort may or may not be worth it - sometimes it’ll be quicker to just take inspiration from it.

myth #1 dispelled…Osmose Presets are adapted from Continuum presets
not true, the Osmose presets were not (generally) adapted from Continuum presets. Id say 95% (more?) were created directly for the Osmose.
(we just assumed more would originate from the Continuum, as it was less work, but its not true)

as for updaters…
we have to remember the Osmose has two parts the firmware for the UI/Hardware , and the DSP/Eagan Matrix.
the former is under the ‘control’ of Expressive E, and is why they have their own updater. this is also the part that does the midi routing - this can have some oddities/inconsistencies/confusions.
nothing major, but its causing confusion, my suspicion is this will be improved in later osmose firmware versions.

Why this confusion? Why not be more transparent about EM and the Editor?
Well, I think it’s pretty clear, Expressive E think that the majority of users will NOT use the Eagan Matrix editor, it’ll be a black box to them. The ‘manual’ for the Osmose, clearly states this is for ‘advanced users’ (*)
Their goal is simply to make the Osmose accessible to everyone, even those new to things like MPE.
(The haken editor does not, and will never, satisfy this goal… its not its purpose)

BUT we are in early days of the Osmose, to of course, some of us are using the Eagan Matrix to open up possibilities that are currently unavailable in the Osmose UI.
again, I believe, Expressive E will likely add these as feedback and development progresses.
e.g. they could easily add things like split / layer support. ( ** )

so yeah, its all kind of unsurprising that during these early days, theres going to be some confusion.
and also likely the early adopters are going to dig that little deeper, than probably expressive e have designed for… ( *** ) … of course this exploration, will likely help expressive e decide what they need to ‘expose’ for everyone.

( * ) we could debate, how advanced the user is, how many will go this route… but thats pretty irrelevant I believe.
( ** ) we can already partially see this strategy at play… look at how things like global fx, playing styles, eq, compressor have been done… these are part of the preset, being exposed in a simplified ui.

( *** ) an example of this, there is a high ratio of continuum players with the Osmose among the early adopters… these are already familiar with the ‘tech’ involved. but thats because they were quick to pre-order as for many, they knew they wanted this tech pretty much without thinking…

but once we get down the list, the later pre-orders, that ratio will dramatically drop… and will continue to do so over the months and years - and its this user base that expressive-e has ‘designed for’

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Yes and on top of all that I dont think Expressive E want to get into a position where their own tech support has to get into really advanced EaganMatrix editor stuff themselves on a regular basis. Which isnt ideal, but is understandable given the complexities of that system, the amount of jargon used, the nature of the documentation for it, and the possibility that the staff most likely to respond to support requests may not be complete EaganMatrix wizards themselves.

Its going to be intersting to see how this side of things evolves in future. In addition to functionality that Expressive E add to their own Osmose layer and UI in future, we also have few clues as to whether they are going to build their own tools to present aspects of EaganMatrix to Osmose users in a new way. Its a bit of a potential minefield and we dont know what resources they have available for that, or what Hakens attitude towards that is.

We do? Where?
I’m not saying it’s not possible , but I’d personally not have a high expectation in this area.
( even if I’d like to see it)

As I said before, I think loading ‘sound pack presets’ could be a no-brainer for them … easy/small dev effort to do, and has interesting market potential.

Beyond that starts getting more costly.
Also from a dev point of view, a large dev project ( eg synth editor) on a 3rd party product ( even if they are collaborators) is not ideal.

Also the marketing so far , has not pushed sound design as an element of the Osmose. Again that could change, but it’s not how it’s being sold ( nor promised).

But we don’t know, anyone’s guess , but as always - never buy a product on future speculation.
Though fortunately, the Osmose ( and EM) are excellent already , so not an issue , at least imho.


I used the term “few clues” as in the fairly common phrase “we have few clues” which is usually taken to mean we dont have any decent clues, not that there are some good ones. The meaning and intent would have been different if there was an extra letter in there, ie if I had said “we have a few clues”.

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I recall that there was mention of this in the early days, but was retracted later. Regular continuum supports split and layer. Maybe it’s a strategy for EE to release split/layer later, when sales need a boost.

I first saw the key action and immediately pressed pre-order. it reminded me of the Yamaha side bending keys in their later electone and stagea keyboards. After pre-ordering, I bought a used continuumini and fidgeted around with it and the EM editor. So I am very grateful for the simplified interface on the Osmose. I do feel the loss of hundreds of presets, since the continuumini has about 1.000, including a set of starting points to create your own.
My guess is that here too it is is EE strategy to release preset packs in the future.

Eagan matrix supports splits and layers ! So does Osmose…
They just don’t appear in the hardware interface and cannot be tweaked from front panel.

so does, Osmose, but you have to use the Haken Editor to set it up.
(as I suspect you do with continuum)

Its interesting, it was a design choice on the (original) Continuum to not have a display, to make it feel more like a ‘real instrument’, to be focused on the ‘music’ ( even today its a ‘simple led’ display)

of course, the idea of sound design as separate process (and ‘unnecessary’ for some) is continued into the editor workflow.

but indeed, I think the addition of the UI does really add to the immediacy on the Osmose… so I can see both sides to this.

well more is not always better :slight_smile:
but, mainly thats because the Continuum Mini presets were adapted from the Continuum, which has been around decades!
most of the Osmose presets were designed from scratch… (which is an amazing feat in itself)

but yeah, I think EE might sell sound packs… or at least, I think this would be a great idea!

BTW: having now got a bit of experience with the Haken Editor/Eagan Matrix, its not as impenetrable as many are making it out to be.
yes, it takes a bit of effort… but the current ‘don’t even bother looking at it’, I think is very misleading, and going to be a ‘loss’ for many users.

I think this is a message we are going to need to keep re-iterating, as we are starting to get into a ‘myth’ territory… where it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
(new user opens editor, expecting it to be impenetrable, and so thats what they see, so just closes it)

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I think the popularity and interest in the Osmose will drive the interest in the HE editor and engine.

I would love to see some dedicated ‘beginners guides’ covering the following:

  1. Connecting the Osmose to the MAX Editor
  2. Making and saving a new ‘blank’ (INIT) pre-set
  3. Getting a simple ‘sound’ (hello world!) from scratch and saving it on the Osmose as a stand alone pre-set.

That is all most of us would need to get started and start messing around…