Expressive E Osmose

Yeah, you’re right. When checking out the midi data sent from Osmose, you can see that note on messages aren’t retriggerd. So it’s the Analog Four that reverts back to old note on events when it hasn’t received any corresponding note off messages. And it seems like there aren’t any settings on the Analog Four that will just tell it to forget old note on events when a new note is received.

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However, you should be able to limit the number of channels used by Osmose, shouldn’t you? Not sure this would solve the problem though.

I don’t remember having this issue when using the Linnstrument with the A4. I think it may have to do with how you have your voice settings set up in the A4. I only say that because I do remember having to mess around with those settings to do what you are trying to do with the Osmose (which I don’t have, yet). I’d be more specific but I am at my cabin for the week, and my studio is back at home.

Yes, I can limit it to fewer voices, but that only means that I encounter the same problem with less key presses. In essence, I need a single mono track on the Analog Four to not retriever notes that are being held while playing other notes. And I don’t think this is possible, right?

I’m pretty sure that I’ve gone through all possible options, but I might of course have missed something.

I put down a deposit with Expressive E through their website when they re-opened pre orders for Osmose earlier this year, logging in today my ETA is June 2023, is anyone earlier or later than that? Are we all in one batch?

Mine is June 2023

Heads up for early birds still waiting: I checked expressive’s website today and my order was able to be placed even though I didn’t get a confirmation email. Might be worth checking for some of you.

Snap! Just did this as well. Thanks for the heads up!

I ordered Jan 5th, my ETA says April/May

I’ve noticed I have some noise a bit like a ground loop. I have to use a gate to get rid of it when using a high volume.
Do you have this?

Nope, Osmose thru fireface ucxII, analog input, balanced cables, 10db gain in fireface, Noise floor -90db. Osmose volume maxed out ( too bad they used pseudo balanced outputs, that is a -6db net loss ) No hum or whatever, stable expected noise.
[EDIT] Osmose connected to computer, no difference ! [/EDIT]

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Do you have the USB cable connected to a laptop or computer someplace? USB is not properly optically isolated as MIDI is.

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Quick questions :

I’m using Roland EV-5 ( for expression ) et Boss FS 5U ( for sustain ) with the Osmose.

Regarding the sustain pedal, it seems that not all the presets share the same polarity, some play fine wheras others are in sustain mode with the pedal disengaged. Do you have the same issue ?

Regarding expression, as soon as I touch the pedal, it seems that values are wobbeling around and tend to reset to 0 value. seems like a conflict with mod slider.

I have a much more stable and reliable behaviour when passing the same pedal ( tested two unit of the same model ) through a MC3 and using cc to modulate the same parameters as the mod slider. In this case, last touched physical input takes control of the parameter, which seems to be a much more expected behaviour. I know some people don’t have problem with other sustain pedals…Maybe a roland issue ?

I opened a ticket about these also asking for “screen matches preset when using program change”
because It’s actually a pain to manually match screen to preset by hand using the knobs. Seems to completely defeat the purpose of program changes imo… :smiley:

Thx !

I’ve had to return my Osmose for repair. The issues were persistent. Support have been… adequate. A little slow to reply but fine overall. And thanks to the endless gift of Brexit my Osmose has been lingering in customs over a week just trying to make its way home :sob:

I do have this, without the USB cable being connected, even without any audio cable connected and even without the Osmose powered on (!). And it is not only noticeable at high volumes. The noise even varies when I touch the Osmose’s chassis. Interesting fact: when I use the Osmose on its own via headphones only, then there is no noise. I have tried some high quality ground loop isolators, to no avail. I have recently opened a ticket with support. I’ll report the outcome if there’s any.

Ah that’s a bummer. Customs can be such a pita. I had a compressor from SuonoBuono get stuck in US customs for nearly 3 weeks. Very annoying, especially as there is no updates or anything. Just stuck until it’s not.

ah even customs are enjoying the Osmose :wink:

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Guys, does anyone have any issues with sending midi notes to Osmose? I’m using Ableton 11

There’s a post of mine way further I where I had some bother. On my mobile and can’t find it easily but was something to do with Osmose having two midi channels and you had to set the unit (or Ableton?) to one of them only


Ah here it is