External Audio In - Monitoring and Panning. How?

I am trying to record my modular into Ableton Live through the Analog four using Overbridge. The A4 is acting as my audio interface.

It is mostly working but I have two problems.

  1. I can’t seem to monitor only through Ableton Live. The audio input always appears at the A4 outs in addition to that going through Live.

  2. The modular input is two mono tracks. I have the Ableton utility plug in on each set as left and right. This centres the signal but as soon as I hit record it records only the input side (i.e. left or right).

Anybody any idea where I am going wrong? Or should I forget it and use a dedicated interface to get the modular signal into Ableton?

Have you tried to use the AF input as oscillators for a synth track?

I’m not 100% sure what you mean. If you mean does the A4 work via Overbridge the answer is yes. No issues at all there.

I guess all I am trying to do, in this instance, is use the A4 as an audio interface for external gear. My modular in this instance. But I am getting double audio (through the A4 and Live back to the A4) and I can’t record mono. It is panned either left or right.

When you go into the CV track or FX track on the A4 make sure the the balance is centered. If you don’t save the track settings after you power down, it will move both inputs far left and right.


Yes - the balance is centred. Monitoring it through the A4 is fine. It is when I record in Ableton that it only records one side.

I have tried playing with the Utility plug in and that appears to be fine when just playing (i.e. I can see two bars in the signal indicator). As soon as I set that track to record it goes to one side only.

It is a bit difficult to hear what is going on in Ableton as audio is coming direct through the A4 at the same time.