External battery for Model:Cycles


According to the manual the battery in is 5.5x2.1 barrel center possitive, 4 to 10V DC

As the battery handle is yet to be released and I want something in meanwhile so I can take it on the train I am thinking of getting something like this.

I will have a look at a local electronics store first, and see if they have any available.

suggestions here too Battery options for Model:Samples

I use an Anker USB battery and a MyVolts USB to DC cable to power my Model: Samples and Digitone, and it works great.

I’d imagine something similar will work with the M:C as well…

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Thanks for the links, I missed those…

I built one myself :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would like to know if anybody here is using a powerbank to power up their Samples or Cycles?
I have a power bank that has the output of 5V and 2.1A, if I just use the correct type of cable then i cannot see why it wouldn´t be a problem to use the power bank.
Am I missing something here?

Already have been discussed here and in M:S thread

It works fine, you need either a USB to 3.5mm Ă— 1.35mm or USB to 5.5 x 2.1mm, both centre positive.


Thanks mate! I am not home right now, is the side connector for the upcoming battery pack the same as the one for the power cable in the back?
I actually have a 3D printer and this could be a new project for me. :grinning:

Yes, it is. 5.5x2.1…

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Great, thanks for all the help! :slightly_smiling_face:

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These are the same specs as for Digitone/Digitakt, right?
I have a Ripcord that I used to power the Digis with, so the M:C should be fine as well, I guess. Can anyone confirm?

That I can not asure as I do not own any of those, but normally a company keeps some kind of standards…

I don’t think so. My DN uses a 12V power supply, while my Cycles uses 5V

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I don’t mean the actual power supply, but if I can power the Digis from a USB powerbank and a Ripcord, I should be able to use the same combination with the M:C, as I think the barrel size is the same. Sorry for being unclear.

Ah, no worries. And sorry to be the constant bearer of bad news, but the barrel size is smaller on the M:C :pensive:

Here they are side by side:

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The side power input is larger than the rear input! I think it’s the same plug size as on the Digi boxes.


Thanks to both of you, I’ll try it once my M:C gets delivered - just wanted to check beforehand.

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You’re right! I just tested it (without powering on ofc :sweat_smile:). Here’s the power info for the battery inlet from the back of the machine (blurry because of zoom!):

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For anyone speaking german: This should work for the main power supply input, right? USB to 3,5/1,35mm DC plug, center positive, 5 V.

Sorry, i just can’t wrap my head around this stuff - volts, watts, polarity,… :upside_down_face:

Ok, just went ahead and tried it - works great, it can power the Cycles with an external battery. The plug is a little loose so not ideal if you want to use it on a train or similar but as long as both battery and Cycles are placed on a stable surface this not an issue.

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