External control of Digitone Ratio Offsets, A, B1, B2, C

Hello - I’m usually pretty good at tracking down, or scouting out, CC and NRPN control assignments for Elektron gear. But I can’t come up with anything for the Ratio Offsets on page 2 of SYN1. I also did an automated ‘search’ using a little Max/MSP patch I made, but couldn’t find it that way either.

Anyone have information about how to address those four offset ratios externally, either with CCs or NRPNs…?


The ratio offset NRPNs are listed in Table B.3 in the current version of the Digitone’s manual.

Got it. Now I remember I had found those NRPNs, 95, 96, 97, 98 and tried them months ago, but it didn’t work.

But for some reason seeing them in the manual again after getting your response made me try a different approach in my patch-- I did the [MSB + LSB] 128+95 = 223 and used that number, and it worked. So thanks much!

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