External controller for changing patterns - LED feelback (beatsep?)

Hi Forum

Im looking into using an external controller to aid my Rytm live set,
I find pressing the key combo (bank - pattern) a little bit un-musical, when i already have my hands full with perf controls and other things…
Anyway setting up a controller to send a program change with it pads to the Rytm is not hard, my question is if anyone has successfully got any controller to do this whilst also giving a visual indicator (i.e LED light) of what pattern is selected.
So a pad controller that sends program changes and exhibits a ‘toggle’ style LED system so we can have a visual indicator of what pattern is selected on that controller.
On my MPD24 for instance, the toggle behavior works to note on/note off midi messages only.


  • Controller Pad 1 pushed (pad 1 LED lights up on controller - Rtym is sent program change / pattern 1)
  • Controller Pad 3 pushed (pad 3 LED lights up on controller - Rtym is sent program change / pattern 3) pad 1 LED no longer on.

Im unsure if you can do this with the akai LPD 8, and my reading of the manual indicated no
The only thing that seems to have an advanced enough midi programing would be the beatstep (or perhaps the beatstep pro).

Anyone given this a go ?

Also posted to Other gear