Just wondering if anyone can explain to me about the audio in on the a4.
I have an analog heat plugged into an ipad pro via usb C hub. Then I have an analog 4 going into that via normal cables and into that I have a Reon Driftbox R Limited (CV version) which has been synced up and works on the sequencer just fine. It produces sound (so not a soundless patch) when plugged into my PC soundcard but when I connect the audio cables into the external inputs on the analog 4 i get nothing. The 4 synth parts create sound just fine.
Am I missing something painfully obvious? Some help would be greatly appreciated!
Well I havent changed it. I hit the FX channel and the T1-4 and FX all at the same level. Thats if you mean the page with the 5 sliders? Been so long since I turned on the A4 I’ve almost forgotten how to use it. I do know I’ve never had to fiddle with the levels before on a new project though.
I see there’s a new update on it but Not sure if that will help much.