External Keyboard

Hi guys, I am trying to play the samples of the tracks of my Digitakt with an external keyboard (Moog Sub 25) via Ableton, data sent and received by USB, but it only triggers track 1, regardless of the track activated. What am I missing? Thanks, Atlas

What are you trying to play on the Digitakt?

The DT responds to the MIDI channel being sent to it. Sub 25 sends on ch1 as default but can be changed. From the manual:

To change the output channel, engage Shift mode and press the BANK 1, BANK 4, and PATCH 2 buttons. The next key you press will determine the output channel. Pressing the low C selects Channel 1, C# selects Channel 2, and so on, all the way up to D# above middle C, which selects Channel 16.

Or you can send 8x notes to all 8 pads by sending low notes C0-G0 (if not, try the octave below - should work from ch1)

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Changing the output channel on the Moog has no effect, still only track 1 is triggered.

Just the samples loaded to the tracks.

You should be able to play them all from your keyboard in the very lowest octave.

Otherwise, by default, the DT is set for each track to be set to its own midi channel (1-8)… but in each channel, at the very lowest register you can trigger all tracks/samples.

Give that a go. :+1:

Nope, still no effect.

I am using an additional miditrack in Ableton with External Instrument for Digitakt which is set to DT’s auto-midichannel. When I arm it I can play the DT’s active track chromatically on my keyboard.


I will try that. For now, midi hardwired moog and DT does the trick. Not too elegant, though.

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There is always several options :wink: