External Midi Control: Performance Channel + Arp Parameters

Hi guys,
I posted to the old forum a while back about a project I did making some presets/sounds using the QuNexus midi keyboard with the Monomachine.
Now I’m working on a similar project using QuNexus with the A4 and I was looking for some input, as well as answers to a couple questions. Here’s a link to check out the QuNexus, to see what it can do: http://www.keithmcmillen.com/qunexus/tour

First off, under Global > Midi Config > Midi Channels there is a setting called “Perf Channel”. For the life of me, I cannot find this anywhere in the manual. Does anyone know what the Performance Channel does?

Secondly, I think it would be awesome to be able to control the Arpeggiator parameters in real time from an external midi controller, perhaps as a Performance Macro. Anyone know if that’s possible? The manual does not mention any CC’s for it in the appendix, and I didn’t see it in the list of parameters to choose from for the Performance Macros. It would be cool to be able to use aftertouch or tilt on the QuNexus keys to control the Arpeggiator speed or octave range, for example.

And lastly, along those lines, what would you guys like to see in a set of factory presets specifically built to control the A4 from the QuNexus? The keyboard is very customizable. For example, each key can send pressure data out on individual midi CC’s.

I’m not trying to be too much of a salesman, I do work for Keith McMillen Instruments, but I also use a bunch of Elektron gear to make my own music, and I control it using KMI gear too. So I have been put in charge of putting these projects together. Here is a link to the QuNexus/Monomachine materials in case anyone is interested:


Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions!

Bump on this…i missed somehow this Perf Channel too,
Can it receive ten CC for controlling the Perf knobs?
So i should be able to sequence (p-lock) Perfromance knob from, say, the OT ??!

That would be awesome




This is Elektron “complementarity”
Even if they write in A4 manual that Performance parameters cannot be p-locked--------but they don’t say anything that ithis possible externally…and from something that has a p-lockable seq…yuhuuuuhhuuuuuu!!!


Sounds cool, could you guys elaborate a little bit what the possibilities are? What where you able to do?

Regarding me------- I cant speak for the OPener…

My found is that with OT, or MD or MM or other Midi seq, you can control the Performance knobs using PERF CHANNEL, found in Midi configuration in Global settings (the manual doesn’t say anything about this…and I missed the OS’ReleaseNotes where this is announced)
Since the A4’s manual says that it is not possible to p-locks those parameters(p.14) – this is solely true regarding using A4 standalone.

But since other Elektronz has a p-lockable MidiSeq, and since the OT is the central hub----i can, if I ever need it, p-lock the Perf knobs on A4 using one Midi track in OT. Also…OT has sharply 10 CC available to send data…and Perf knobs are…10 !!! :slight_smile:

nice combos happening from only Elektron

Nice to see action on this. Qunexus is very handy to use with the a4.
E.g. it adds polyphony without the need to wait for an OS update :wink:

Arp parameters are not (yet?) controllable by lfo, p-locks, env, midi.
Such control would open up an even larger world for the A4; so many possibilities…

The Qunexus could make use of some of the new OS (soon to come) additions, such as mapping the 4 tracks to octaves

for whatever reason i cant get my OT to midi learn … watched the multiman tutorial on youtube, but no success… all receive and send options on on ot , all sends on on a4 and all receive on on a4 :frowning:

ON THE A4 under Global>Midi>Midi Chanels about the third down is the performance channel - set t channel 8 by default.

Sounds interesting has the A4 also Midi learn capability?

I just order the Qunexus. I’d be very grateful for any guidance on how to best use it with my A4 running through OT and RYTM.

Just posted on a thread about wanting using the KP3 as a midi controller over the performance controls. Can anyone help with this. I am really new to Setting up midi control of specific parameters.

Hi! I just hooked up my QuNexus via the expander, works great, but seems that it’s disabled when holding a key on the Analog 4’s on-board keys. It works the other way around (if I hold a key on QuNexus first, the onboard keys still function). If anyone can lend some advice as to what settings I might look into, I’ve already tried quite a bit but afraid nothing has worked so far… I certainly appreciate any help here, thanks!

p.s. this is my first post, though I’ve had the A4 many years, glad to be a part of the community :slight_smile:

edit: @Halo_of_Teeth - just saw on another thread you seem to have a lot of experience using QuNexus with A4, if you have any words of wisdom on this, would be awesome
@PeterHanes I just saw you’re a moderator - any way you could lend some insight on this? Would really appreciate it as I’ve been scratching my head over this for days now :confused:

Are you saying that you are able to p-lock A4 performace externally with OT? How did you set it up?

Hello, I do not have that setup since ages. So if I remember correctly, it was a simple CC (the right one from the midi implementation) on the right midi channel, going from OT to A4. Then I just put some p-lock on OT seq to achieve p-locked Perf Knob remote control. Maybe

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Same as plocking fx parameters on DT or DN (for example) from OT:
On A4 select MIDI channel for perf.
On OT (MIDI mode) select the same channel and p-lock the corresponding performance with CC.
You can also use the 3 LFOs per MIDI channel to address performance on A4 from OT.