External Multi Effects Units for Digitakt

I was wondering if by any chance there is a multi effects box that via some midi wizardry would allow me to have fx PER TRACK when connected to the DT.

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The DT is only stereo out. You’d have to use overbridge to put different effects on individual tracks. Which makes the answer to your question: a DAW.


I am trying to go DAWless, hence the question. Overbridge was always dodgy for me. Im tired of sync problems when working with different machines. I want something more direct, failure proof and tight. I want to route each track out to a mixer without having to buy an Octatrack or something. Yeah, I am a noob. Help me.

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I am trying to help you. You cannot route tracks out individually from the box itself. There’s only two physical outputs.

If you want more than that, you have to bring along a computer or tablet.


One thing you can do if you are okay with mono sends is use one channel as an uneffected channel, and use the other one into effects. Then you can use the pan feature like a send into the effects. With the new external mixing abilities on digitakt this shouldn’t be too hard to do with just a pedal and a digitakt. You won’t get fx per track but you do kind of get fx send amount per track like with the internal effects.

EDIT there is also an ongoing community project to make a device that acts like overbridge and gives you separate outputs per channel, but I think that is still a little ways off from being available.


I was looking for that thread to link here. I haven’t tried in awhile, but core audio used to allow all channels to route without overbridge (before overbridge officially launched). I’d have to try to see if it still does it. A usb device with 10 outs would be a killer DT companion.

Got it. Thanks mate. Elektron acting up with bill gates tryna make us daw slaves

Eh. Not really. It’s a stand alone drum machine / groove box with stereo out, like countless devices before it, along with an optional software multitrack option. You can do a ton on it without a DAW… in a live setting, it just takes patience to dial it in. I Like @warpigs330 's suggestion about using a mono output and the other as a mono send. Not ideal in the studio, but live, mono is fine. Being able to trig-lock a pan to the other output for easy send effects is a nice workaround.


I agree, DT has its limits but it is worth its price; surely there are better drum machines or samplers with individual outputs but the price range is naturally higher. The upgrade to DT might be an AR, MD or OT depending on your workflow…


If memory serves someone is working on a breakout box for the DT(and one for DN) nothing yet, but he’s making progress.

Perhaps he’ll sell them in due time.

For now, yeah you’ll need a DAW

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So why not just do everything in-the-box then?


I had the idea a while back of essentially setting up bandpass filters to break apart the frequencies into different ranges and then having those sent to various FX units that then get mixed back together… you would probably have to do it in eurorack and I am not sure how good it would actually be. I currently use a highpass/lowpass combo on the end of my external delay and it more or less lets me target specific frequency ranges and sounds but you do sort of need to design your songs around the idea.

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With OS 1.30 DT itself is going to be my main multi effect unit… :sweat_smile:

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Yep. I did it with Digitone. 1 output for fx send, another one as main output (mono). Can be interesting for resampling.

I know this is about using hardware but I still think you can use a DAW just like a Mixer - without any MIDI syncing used… maybe similar to using AUM on iOS

I am doing this a lot lately since my Mixer started smoking - funny because I just stopped that habit - and it is working great, I either use a few sends in Ableton or I use efx on every track and yes, I am using Overbridge which honestly works perfect, at least on my Mac, and has a lower latency than my audio interface. And of course I can use Push or other controllers as well, I would call this a luxury effects unit.


An alternative solution could be Linux based minimal systems like blokas pisound. You need a multi channel USB audio Linux driver. digitakt usb audio driver on RaspberryPi · GitHub
Set Midi cc on a controller, presetup patches with any hdmi monitor n after that, more or less… dawless

Maybe just accept the fact that what you want is not possible with a Digitakt without using a DAW and either buy a Rytm or use a DAW if you want a channel by channel multi fx for the Digitakt.


Maybe it is not possible
But i think it is also not necessary
Master fx are nice, Analog Heat + good reverb, filter, delay or looper
Or what some people do here, work with a Xone Db4
But at the end for processing, a daw makes sense

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Here’s the link:

Someone with a wallet should jump in and help this guy. It would be fun too if there was a digital FX version of this too.

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that’s pretty cool!
love the possibilities w/ usb audio from DT