External sync with Logic

This is a fairly basic question, but I feel like my workflow is dumb.

I’m using Logic as my DAW and have successfully synced the tempo with Cycles (project settings>midi>check clock next to cycles), and although the tempo is right, it’s never starting precisely with the session, and the millisecond or fifty lag makes it sounds like a drummer who’s playing with their in ear monitors turned off. Out of sync chaos!

My workaround is this, I start recording a bar or two before where the sequence should be, and then when I record I immediately press stop since it’s not lining up properly, and manually hit play on the bar I want it to start on. Usually I then have to manually line it up the recorded audio to get it precisely on beat one.

Is there a better way? Maybe I should be recording the midi info of the sequence into logic first, and then turning off midi sync altogether?

Similar problems in Bitwig. Plays in sync but records with around 1/32 of latency. Gonna try it in Cubase, see if it’s any better.

I semi-figured out my issue. I had my buffer rate set pretty high since I use a lot of virtual instruments, but my recording delay was set to zero. Now I’m setting my recording delay to the same number as my buffer rate (512 and 512), and it’s solid. Logic>preferences>audio>I/O buffer size, etc.

The transients are ever so slightly after the beat, but within an acceptable margin for me, and it’s starting on the correct beat.

The only other thing I can’t figure out is how to get the sequence to stop when I’m done recording. At the moment I’m having to manually press the stop button so the sequence restarts for each take.

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Have you tried playing with the sync delay in Logic’s midi settings for the M:C? I’m using a rig centered around a Scarlett 18i8 granted, but I had a similar issue when first integrating the M:C and a -22ms delay was the fix.

Weird about it not stopping, though. Are transport messages being sent? I wonder if there’s a distinct setting for receiving somewhere in the M:C’s settings… I always just default to on and it works like a charm.