Factory sound presets list? (Digitone)

Hi there,
I just bought a second hand Digitone in great shape.
My issue is that I think the previous owner has left all his presets in there and I’d really like to know what are the factory sound presets and which aren’t… Is there a list that exist somewhere? Before factory reseting the box and possibly erasing some great patches from the previous owner I’d like to be able to compare the factory list…
Thanks a lot for your help!

If you store the previous owner’s work in project slots other than slot 1, and dump the sounds from banks A and B to a computer, you can happily perform a Factory Reset and recall all the stored sounds to empty locations for comparison later.

@Sachaz Completely unrelated (sorry for hijacking the thread) but I know your username from the Model:Cycles music thread and have been considering getting a Digitone myself based on how much I love the M:C. Care to share any of your notes on how moving to Digitone from M:C felt? Feel free to also just DM if you don’t wanna clutter this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your reply.
I’m not sure to get it though as I’m not sure what you mean. Currently on the DN there’s 5 projetcs named “Presets”, “First”, “second”, “third” and “four”. Apart from “Presets” I don’t know if the 4 projects are factory or user presets…
Then I’m not sure what you mean for bank A and B as I don’t know where the original sound presets are located on the Digitone… I thought they were on Bank A ? Sorry if I misunderstand you…

Hi! I’ll PM you :wink:

If you perform a Factory Reset then only the project in the first slot (presumably “Presets” is in slot 1) will be reverted back to the factory project. The other projects will not be affected. If you want to preserve what’s in the “Presets” project in case the previous owner put something interesting there then save that project to a new slot.

Make sure that you understand the Digitone’s data structure (manual, page 16) before doing anything more.

The original presets are stored in +Drive sound banks A and B and will be overwritten if you perform a Factory Reset. So dump those to a computer or copy them to other sound banks before performing the Factory Reset.

Thanks for that.
I thought the Factory reset would just erase everything that is not coming with a new DN. I didn’t know sounds stored on other banks (let’s say C or D) would stay on the Device. I’ll do more manual reading you’re right…
But I don’t find anything about Data structure in the manual. P. 16 is sound structure. I think Cuckoo talks about Dta structure in his videos I’ll chek it out.

EDIT: I have an old version of the manual that stops at 9.0, right before data structure… Silly me.

I think I wans’t very clear tho: I’m not interested in the previous owner’s projects, only the sounds he crafted. But I’ll do some more research!

Have a look a bank C and see how many new ones have been added (these may be all he has saved).
Also bare in mind that projects and patterns store their own sounds with no need to save (and often aren’t saved) into the preset list.

Thanks. That’s the weird thing: Pattern C and D are filled with what seem to be the same presets than bank A and B but I can’t bother to compare the lists… Maybe I should just do that.

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I bought a DigiTone in August, played with it a bit before focusing on other things and I came back to it this week. I was having an issue with it responding to a mod wheel so I tried first an empty reset and then a factory reset. I noticed while banks A and B are full their contents look different than how it came. I am wondering whether anyone else may have noticed something like this happen. Did the version of DigiTone sold in the summer come with newer presets built in and an older data set to revert to in the case of a factory reset? Or did it come with extra banks (C, for example) filled in on top of the usual factory presets? Is there a list somewhere of what presets each DT release over the years came with and can I access that somewhere? I remember digging many of what I had checked out and now feel it may be lost. I can’t be 100 they’re different as I didn’t really have em all that memorized but I seem to remember one saying “Resodron” for example, that did not turn up in a search. Also maybe “FMBass” and that’s not there now. Would any of you be so kind to share some of the names and numbers of your factory presets?

I know this is an old comment but ‘Resodron’ is one of the demo patterns, just in case it was still bothering you 3 years later :sweat_smile:

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Haha yeah

I’ve learned quite a lot erstwhile

Thanks, Ben

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