Fading roll [solved]

Does anyone know how to create a sound with a roll that fades in or out?

I have the ARP setup, just need to figure out the fading part. Can’t find the right LFO settings so far.

From memory how he makes the clap with a looping envelope in this might be in the general direction you’re after?: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eq3_2DcYB6g

Unfortunately, that didn’t really help. I have a kick sound that I want to roll, and would rather not try to recreate its pitch ramp as a fast LFO since it’s bound to require tricky tweaking to the base pitch and won’t sound the same anyway due to the faster envelope.

I have the ramp somewhat working, with an LFO in sample-and-hold mode. But it sounds different every time the song is played due to it being free-running.

Just thought of something… I’ll try to “reset” the LFO with a trigless trig p-locking the LFO trig mode…

edit: it worked :slight_smile: