Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water or Dear Maude for Synths only

Two pedals on the radar. But which one is the best all round. Any reason why the Dear Maude is more expensive? Has anyone any experience or either/both of these. Cheers guys.

Do you mean Meet Maude? Just recently got both actually. Haven’t used them all that much yet but so far so good. However, they’re not cheap, at least in Europe, and what I’ve used them for so far (Meet Maude subtly on drums, for example) I think could’ve been achieved with some other pedals as well, but I’ve got to admit I love the looks of them and the Pedal Zone Youtube videos pushed me over the edge. If I were to get just one, Meet Maude is more versatile for sure. A great analog delay with the possibility of expression pedal control. Shallow Water is more of a specific thing but the best pedal in that (BoC) category, IMO.

Cheers. Yes i was hoping for the BOC sound and at first i saw the Lofi Junky. But the sound of the shallow water was sublime. I read that the Meet Maude could get a similar modulation but most of the sounds like Delay i dont think i need. Yes quite expensive but if im buying just one then not so bad. Cheers for your help :slight_smile:

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The same with me, first thought Lo-fi Junky was the one but I think Shallow Water just has more variation and sounds more alive.

shallow water works with synths

Just sold my shallow water. I ended up recreating it in the mod matrix of my prophet-Rev2. It’s not too difficult… if your synth can make the right mod routings


how do you manage the shallow water in a stereo effects pedal chain? (its mono right?), so how do you connect a stereo synth?

it is mono. most pedals are. most synths are too, actually. mainly the synths that are stereo have some sort of effect which turns their mono signal into stereo. so generally it’s not difficult running a synth into a pedal.

but yeah if you want to run a stereo synth signal (i.e. post-effects in the synth) into a pedal you’ll have to pan hard left and grab that signal to run into the pedal. then make that channel mono in your mixer, and pan as needed in the mixer or DAW,

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Looking at the Meet Maude and Shallow Water. Both look interesting, but they kind of seem similar, especially given that the Shallow Water is based off of the Meet Maude’s modulation.

My question is, can the Meet Maude create the kind of lo-fi signal that the Shallow Water can? Can you use it for a kind of lo-fi modulation device for to add warmth and texture to your synths and drum machines like a digitakt or digitone the way you can with a Shallow Water, and yet also have the delay on board? It seems like the Meet Maude is much more versatile, but the Shallow Water’s modulation is more precise. Is that correct?

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Think of meet maude as a delay and shallow water as modulation. Meet maude can go to wild places because of the delay it is, and shallow water is more subtle, but adds a a nice dark liquidy movement to things.


You can run the MM nearly fully wet and with the delay at the shortest setting and get some nice effects, but you don’t have control over the LPF so it’s very dark and muffled with an envelope that creates some great sounds (only really had luck using this with a guitar). But it’s just not the same as the SW - so I’d say, no.

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