Favorite Rapper and Why is it MF DOOM?

Doom RIP
Guru RIP


Holy shit. I’ve been listening to Jean grae recently and I had no idea it was her on this (and I guess mission improbable).
Also: DOOM.


Is it cool to say I like them all? I love how music evolves. Good listening everywhere if you are willing.

J cole
Little baby
Juice world
Trippy Red

Anyone want to point out newer stuff I’m all ears!


Ren is my current favourite.


Too many to name but I I had to pick one, Aesop Rock


Got that at an Aesop Rock and Mr. Lif show back in 2005. A Phoenix artist was brought down and did that during the show on stage. Wife bought it and we got Lif and Rock to sign it. Both dudes were really cool and laid back. Aesop is also a really funny guy.

Surprised no ones mentioned other Def Jux crew members. No Canibal Ox? Company Flow, Del The Funky Homosaipian, Cage or Murs.


I was into co-flo before I ever heard aesop rock (I did mention el producto by the way)

back in the 90’s there was this channel that was not quite mtv called the box where they played videos, it was stuck in some weird uhf frequency range outside of the normal channels. I think you could pay to request them to play videos, that’s the first place I ever saw the video for or heard of company flow because of that song end to end burners. Then later I caught a couple of their albums and then after that ace rizzle released that daylight album, I didn’t hear float until after daylight. I liked murs when he was with living legends but after… regardless, that’s a fresh painting you got. I saw aesop rock when he toured with rob sonic about 10 years ago, maybe closer to 15 years now yikes.

El P had this one line I always thought was funny where he said “you’re softer than pikachu in a bathtub on rufies”

Anyways, I think it’s not that people don’t like them, it’s just hard for someone to say “cannibal ox or mr lif is my favorite rapper”.

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One of the craziest shows I’ve ever attended was APC, DJ Spooky, and Cannibal Ox at some long-forgotten venue in Manhattan, circa 2001. There was a mock wrestling ring in the middle of the floor, with people dressed up as Kaiju battling it out.

I had the unglamorous job of being a Guitar Center salesperson at the time, and expended a not insignificant amount of time post set trying to convince Earl Blaize that APC should buy a Korg ES-1 from me via GC.

Heady times :rofl:

Also, too many acronyms


Ah man the Box. Aka poor peoples MTV. Use to watch that all the time with friends. You could call in and make request, but I seriously doubt they actually played request. Probably just played the hottest videos expecting everyone to request those.
Hey that reminded me of a recent family experience!
Went to this tourist trap in Phoenix called Organ Pizza, and it was a dude playing a big ass organ with instruments littered all over the room. You could make request as well, and for about ten minutes it was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen. It appeared this one guy was playing all these different sounds at once, and to take people’s request on that blew my mind. For a brief moment I thought I was watching the greatest musician on Earth, but then I started thinking. I started thinking how the Hell would they k ow to play these random request? How is he playing the drums while also playing the bass, organ, pianos, random musical doo-dads, and managing the lighting effect at the same time. Then by the forth song I realized it, he was a fraud! My suspicions were verified when I asked one of the teenage employees cleaning the table if they just played the same song every night, to which she reluctantly said yes while looking around. The second act only made it more evident as they played songs like Yankee Doodle Dandy, and When the Saints Go Marching In. Who the fuck is requesting those? No one! Additionally the pizza was terrible. It was even worst because my son had requested The Neverending Story, and would not except the facts. It was heart breaking to watch his face slowly come to the understanding that it was all a sham. All the songs were already programmed, and it was just simply a manner of making people think that they’d get their songs heard.
We left, defeated and broken hearted. There was a line out the building of people (I have no idea who or where they came from) waiting to place an order, which only angered me more. I wanted to “yell out, it’s a scam, and they don’t actually play your request, and the pizza is garbage!”, but my son had enough trauma for one day. Maybe I should be thankful for that place, as he learnt a valuable lesson that day. Sometimes not all that glitters is gold.
Fuck you Organ Pizza!


Yasiin Bey but DOOM is top 5.

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it was usually shit like aaliyah and tupac. not sure why coflo was on there, I would bet they had to pay to get in the rotation, not like the music was popular


Wowsers, what a top 3. I’ve produced a song that has Myka 9 on it. I will linketh here.


To me, it depends on what aspects of lyricism we are talking about.

Flow? Q-tip, NAS, Black Sheep, Rakim

Content? Eminem, KRS one, RA the Rugged man, GZA

Emotion? 2Pac, B-Real, Cube

Creative use of language ? Snoop, Das FX

And now for my other Dutchies:

Jeugd van Tegenwoordig (Faberyayo especially), Brainpower, Surya, Robian, Engel & Just, Opgezwolle and the OG Def P. Also, Extince has a unique flow.

Edit: seeing some ladies mentioned, gotta give a shout-out to both Missy and Lady of Rage!


Full top list…

  1. Bey (Mighty Mos)
  2. Thought
  3. Mach
  4. Saul
  5. DOOM
  6. Ghostface
  7. Andre 3000
  8. Guilty Simpson
  9. ODB
  10. Jay Electric

Edit: few quick changes.

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Dutch hop is my bidness famo. Goodness incarnate.

I got a rare Dutch/German/US rap Collab tape I made with some cats back in 06 when I was in Scandinavia.

Hope those kids are still spitting that filthy. Good folks. Goblins of course, but cool still.


Guilty Simpson is ridiculously underrated.

Everything mentioned here shows Elektronauts impeccable taste.

Just because I haven’t seen it yet- Sean Price is definitely in the running too.

In terms of 2000s/2010s- Curren$y is a definite GOAT for me.

People Under the Stairs holds a special place in my heart.

Too much stuff to name really, I live breathe and eat this stuff. But yes, DOOM is the best without a doubt.


Tasty scotch toast to this whole addition. Cheers.

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Yes yes Sean P!!!


Beans though fam!

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Doubt anyone will mention her, probably because she’s multi-threat and doesn’t always rap, and is already a bit on the outskirts, but Dessa of Doomtree.