
One of the things I like on elektron-users is that I can favourite a thread, without subscribing. When there’s good tech info but I don’t necessarily want to follow the conversation or get an email every time there’s a new post, it’s a nice feature.

OR, if we could have different subscriptions settings for different threads, that would be another (albeit more confusing) option.

Also, I don’t see a preferences setting for whether I want to be notified by email or not with subscriptions. Am I missing it in my user settings?

Another vote for email notification options.

  • 1 for favorites

Sort of along the same lines… having a +1 or -1 (thumbs up / thumbs down) function per-post would be nice.

+1 for a subscribe/follow thread setup.


+1 for favorites. and if there were some possibility of organizing them ( into folders etc. ) … it’s a good dream i know :wink:



Thanks for the input! We will definitely consider this!