Favourite Gear for Cafe?

once i’m over the whole no new gear new year thing I am quite tempted to buy a model cycles for the sheer “it’s one box, it makes stuff, it can come on a plane or make beats in the park and it sounds like what it sounds like” thing.

Then I wonder about sending program changes to LSDJ on a gameboy to expand that set up and keep it portable and I realise I am probably just procrastinating about making music with the gear I have AGAIN.

(will still buy a model cycles eventually no doubt)

It’s do-able, but the LED brightness, even at max, is less than optimal for working in sunlight, or even shade.

(Saw a video recently of someone doing what I do, awkwardly shading the track buttons with left hand.)


They do but most of the sockets at cafes in the US are usually blocked by people who roll their Frogger cabinets to cafes.


My first solo explorations of a big city, as a teenager, were in NYC, and I remember what it was like in the late '70’s and '80’s. I recently spent an extended period living there, and while riding the subway (from Bed-Stuy, formerly a “really bad” neighbourhood), I would think, “I have a supercomputer [my smartphone] openly in my hand, and literally no one else cares, because they all have one too!”


I brought my gear to a cafe just the other day including a pair of PreSonus Eris 3.5 monitors and some busybody next to me felt a need to comment “uh dude get a pair of iLoud monitors”…



Does that a circular door at the bottom lead to a portable ferret hutch? I’ve been looking for something like that for a while…

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Yes and no, depending on where you normally keep your ferret.

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Usually around my neck or down my shirt and through a sleeve but busybodies at cafes seem to need to comment on everything.


Sort of like the internet but with overpriced coffee.

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Yes, that’s why I just buy a bottle of water when I plop myself down to spend 6 hours at a cafe. I’m not good at math but it works out to .50 an hour and continues to get cheaper the longer I stay.

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Careful with that strategy! If you stay too long and have to use the restroom it becomes a diminishing return!

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Love it!

Almost as helpful as the person who interrupted my bus stop reading to suggest my choice of book was “pretentious”.


that’s what you get for bringing Ayn Rand to starbucks.


how dare




What could be more pretentious than a person telling someone the book they are reading is pretentious?!

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There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged . One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.

The other, of course, involves orcs.

Never found out whether they were trying to engage a conversation or hit on me with “negging” because I know better than to acknowledge someone that willing to tell on themselves :stuck_out_tongue:

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double like.


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