Feature Request: Bookmarking threads (not subscribing)

One thing I always liked about EU was the ability to bookmark threads we found perennially useful.

I like having the ability to stay up on active threads that interest us, but it would also be great to have our favorite threads in one place, so we could return to them as references.

Don’t think I’ve seen this notion elsewhere on e0, apologies if I missed it.

i subscribe to topics . there is a button for that.

it pops up in my subscription list … easy as pie … is that what you were looking for?

It’s good to be able to stay up on topics when someone posts something new to the thread, and subscriptions are great for that.

Bookmarking would serve a different purpose: keeping all the threads you find useful as references listed in a single place, so you could find them easily at any time, whether they have attracted new posts or not.

You can do precisely that by selecting the drop-down next to your avatar in the top-right corner of the page and clicking ‘Subscriptions’.

Aha, perfect. Thanks!

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