Feature Request - Midi/Patch edit only mode

I’d like to be able to turn off all audio channels and just use OB for midi record/playback/and patch editing.

Love overbridge for patch editing but sometimes its pretty wonky trying to get A4/RYTM to work alongside my soundcard/mixer.

Using the hard-wired outputs to my mixer also means I have zero lag to deal with for playback.

TL;DR - allow disable of Overbridge audio features, keep midi/editor features.


Finally a thread saying the same thing. This times a billion. So frustrating. I am still trying to figure out a way that Overbridge is useful in my setup because of silly oversights like this. Its just not useful if you already have a good soundcard. There is no reason this needs to be the case. These are great ideas that feel like they were limited by the pressure to fit into an ableton world, their biggest competitor.