Feature Requests for all Elektron Machines

Save the project to save all kits


Brightness settings for LEDs is all I ask!

I’ve always wanted conditional plocks. Eg: 40% chance that a snare on step 3 gets sent to reverb buss at a plocked value while not interfering with the triggering of the sound (or conditions necessary for the sound to trigger) as a random example.
How would that work? Multiple layers of conditions? I don’t know. It’s just something I wish I had almost every time I use these boxes. I know it couldn’t be implemented as an update into existing devices but maybe in some future flagship machine.


I want multitrackl out via USB class compliancy without overbridge. Just give me my Elektron and and an iPad and I’m set.


midi CC for
pattern reload (DN&DT),
part reload (OT),
kit reload (AR&A4)

please please please :slight_smile:

and maybe a CC for midi state request (which only OT has with cc 61 or 64 if I am not mistaken)

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  1. Ability to play trigs. Enter “play mode” and pressing a trig will play the trig. Think trig preview but without having to press yes. Also then play trigs via midi!

  2. Different sequence modes.

  • Random
  • Ping-pong

has anyone asked for MIDI-Retrig yet? :relaxed:


+1 for Sequencer Mode Ping Pong and Random!


FX saving, seriously.

first I want a better retrig menu - never had a good moment with it… maybe also adding some curves (from 1/x to 1/y?) - maybe it‘s only good for that one trap beat?

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I like it on the DT, no so much on OT. MD style is cool too. Being able to ramp is sweet.

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can you give me a good (audio) example what it‘s good for? (besides trap)



Sorry forgot to reply to…

Not Elektron, not sure what was used. But more ramped retrigs…

5:36 [below]

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The good way of doing it would b to implement sequencer START step option so one could set the range of steps to loop. Easy as f₽&@k)

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You can do it by assigning an LFO to the end point of a sample. But it’s not as nice.


we need ramps. Elektron!! So important!

And a new Kit system. And symbols for the FXs on AR+A4. And more features of the Digis. Hope to see a huge update for those soon.

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  • Randomized p-lock key combination (maybe a trig + yes?), that would randomize all parameters of the selected step within the mode/page you’re in. So if you’re on the Amp page, all Amp parameters would be randomized for that specific trig.

  • Arp and/or LFO modes that only advances when the track is triggered/retriggered. Speed/Multiply would effect how big or small the jumps per step are.

  1. per track sequencer FX that you can chain (Hermod):

● Delay
● Euclid
● Harmonizer
● Random
● Scale
● LFOs
● Arpeggiator
● Chance
● Ratchet
● Swing

we have like 2-3 LFOs, one arpeggiator, pattern global swing, track level probability but they could become plugins/FX that you can pick and chain as you see fit (like up to 8-10? ).
so if you don’t want the arpeggiator or track level probability, you could use 2 more LFOs instead.
chain 2 Euclidian FX. if you want swing only on your HH tracks, you could set it this way too.

  1. random pattern creation with control over the randomness (Hermod)

I love Elektron gear … EXCEPT for the staunch drum machine mindset of the sequencer. It’s all fine for when you’re just making grooves and starting a song. But we need to break out of the 4-bar pattern for future devices. Keep it looking like a drum machine out of the box, but it should be MIDI data under the hood, no more hacks to break out of the grid, just use a conventional sequence data structure… and the sequencer should allow freedom of both length of tracks and navigation of tracks. AND start of tracks. You’d have a real MPC killer on your hands then … maybe Pyramid too :wink:


basic wish: an undo for accidental trig/step removal

occasionally when i’m plugging away in the seq – p-locking, conditionaling, retrigging – my finger will slip, accidentally removing a step full of meticulously hand-crafted p-locks, and it’s gone forever. an undo function would be jolly nice!