Feature Requests for all Elektron Machines

It’s not MIDI data under the hood.

I know that’s why I say it ought to be.


What sort of programming are you interested in doing that isn’t possible playing unquantized?

Lol, that’s a bit like asking what kinda things do you want to do with DOS that you do in Windows. It’s such an order of magnitude of difference how little detail the Elektron sequencer can capture when you’re a player.


Well, how many PPQ does the Elektron store internally (again, unquantized) versus your average MIDI file resolution?

Curious about the numeric difference.

I think Ableton MIDI for instance is 960 PPQN… not sure how that translates to the Elektron sequencer paradigm. I have not noticed any issues with the MIDI sequencer resolution in any DAW, really.

With quantization disabled - more advanced modern hardware MIDI sequencer should also be able to record and play back the recorded performance as close to the original performance as possible. Maybe even with fancy MIDI 2.0 modulation data as well, albeit more difficult to edit on a fine scale, but surely still useful to have a synth sequenced live for live tweaking at the very least? That is as opposed to sampling and doing sampling “tricks” with the Octatrack!

Though I’m not trying to say it’s a problem, it is definitely Elektrons design choice to make their instruments with tracker style sequencers rather than having the high resolution of a modern DAW. That’s fine in one sense, because it would be rather limited with regards to editing capabilities with a minimalistic hardware interface, and the current implementation makes sense with the limited voice count in most cases. However… I think that having the option for a higher resolution sequencer with quantization disabled - along with some clever implementation of midi overdubbing tricks… that could do very well!


Micro-timing gives good enough timing resolution. What lacks is the ability to record notes with true polyphony - not hindered by the “grid” where all you can have are single notes or “extended notes” (i.e. chords) on a step - the 64 steps limitation, and other nuance like per-note velocity, aftertouch, pitch bend, mod wheel, sustain, and so on, and continuously rather than per-step.

So to give specific examples, if you want to do rolls or strums, the former is only possible on some devices and comes with limitations, while the latter isn’t possible without clever tricks like applying the arpeggiator (which isn’t available on all devices nor is it p-lockable)


Of course. Its a 64 step sequencer. Not a linear sequencer.


Midi dump request CC please !


The option for Pyramid-style selection, where you press and hold just two keys and that selects all trigs between and including those trigs.


I mean I will absolutely not complain if they’re able to add in aftertouch and more live performance modulation sources.


Latch trig preview

One of the little things I like on the Novation Circuits is if you’re editing something like velocity or gate, you enter a mode where if you tap any pad you can hear what’s on that step. It lets you hear how a part of a sequence will sound without together playing the whole thing. You can still hold down a step to edit it.

I’d like to be able to do that on the Digi boxes.


Note ties would make it easier to quickly set note lengths

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I’d love the ability to choose which tracks FILL effects when playing live. Maybe a feature where if you hold down the track key and hit the FILL button, it only affects those tracks. That way you could have fills for various percussions, but they don’t all trigger constantly when hitting the fill button.


Got another one!

I did a lot of programming of midi tracks with conditionals and locks on my DN. Now that I have the OT again, I want to transfer all the midi stuff to that, including fills and such. It’d be dope if elektron had a way to export or otherwise transfer all that data between machines beyond having to live record and then add in all the locks.

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Preset saving for the FX.


i reckon FILL could be improved if it was able to play an assigned pattern and didn’t have to rely on the FILL condition, e.g. holding Scale/Fill would play a specific assigned pattern’s steps instead of the current pattern, like jumping into another track for as long as it’s held. this would free up FILL trigs for other uses. FILL conditions would still be available ofc.


Probably been said before but an ability to remove tracks from control all duties would be very handy, a simple on/off choice, or maybe lock all track parameters.

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We need a way to either MIDI map FILL modes on all the boxes, or the ability to have one box’s FILL press trigger other boxes, too. I only have 2 (tiny) hands. I can’t do fills on the DN, DT, and OT (esp. since the OT needs 2 hands for just the fills!).

Per Track LFO Modulation of Pattern Length.
Per Track sequencer direction.

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