Feature Requests for all Elektron Machines

If the fill happens the same time each time, program it?

Yes, but we’re talking about doing FILLS with one button press instead of two.

It’d be great if certain parameters gave real values instead of 1-127. The compressor on the OT, for example. Just show me the actual ms or ratio!


Save midi settings/mapping as presets. Would be great to have templates for your synths that you can load into any pattern without having to go through cc mapping


Yes! And the frequencies on the filter!


Had another idea after playing around with the LPPMK3. We need microTRIGS. Not just microTIMING. On the LP, you can actually place 6 more trigs in each step, though they’re all the same note. Elektron should add that to their boxes, but let us change each note. Word.

Another cool idea - allow for plocks to activate even when sequenced from external gear. For example, I program my melodies in my iPad, but on my device, I’ve done triggerless trigs with plocks. Having them work together would be dooooope.

so kinda like that Digitakt “hack” only without user interaction, right?

Which hack are you talking about? Never heard of it.

You can watch it here in action:


or… this is the original:

Coolio. I’ll check it out later. Either way, I still want to be able to program sequences on my DN from something else, but still use plocks for sound editing :slight_smile:

Just watched it. That’s neat, and all, but pretty limited if you’re doing a live performance or trying to play a whole song.

A nice addition on the sequencer could be :

Invert trig condition, for example a 1:4 condition would activate on 2:4 , 3:4 and 4:4 but not at 1:4.

could be done with key combination, and could work with %


+1 for this. Sometimes you want something to trigger in most loops but missed out on others


Yes, exactly !

Loopable Envelopes with BPM syncable elements (subdivisons instead of ms for Attack, Decay, Release)


I would love to have some “midi presets” or “midi sound” like on the Squarp pyramid. It’s really a pain to sequence other gear cc’s with elektron machines as you have to rememeber what do every midi cc. wouyld love to select for ex my Virus Ti and have all 8 encopders doing something relevant + have the function noted ( cutoff, osc pitch whatever) instead of the midi CC number.
the way I would see the implementation would be to create the presets externally and send them via sysex, then from the the sound browser ( left encoder on “square black machines”) select which preset I want to use.


Oh, please.

I have also emailed this request to Elektron.


Let’s bring this thread back! I’ve been moving some parts from my Digitone to my Syntakt. While it works pretty well just copying tracks to MIDI tracks and recording on the ST, there’s definitely a hitch when you have trig conditions. It’d be awesome if there was a way to transfer the sequence data (trig conditions, microtiming, notes, etc.) between boxes. Not sure how it’d work, though.

I dunno how it would work either, but this is something I’ve wanted ever since I put two Elektrons side by side!

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