Feature Requests for all Elektron Machines

I imagine there could be some sort of protocol via transfer, or usb connection, or maybe even via midi somehow. Or magic. I don’t really know. But I believe in Elektron!

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Here’s another one mostly for the Digi boxes. I need more banks. Gimme 16 like on the OT. If each bank is a song, I want to have 16 available at shows to mix and match. Changing projects mid set is scaaaaaary.

I just sent this email to Elektron with a long list of feature requests for all machines. Some of it is just repeated from what I (and others) have written both above and in other threads. Figured I’d share it in case anyone wants to email their opinions to Elektron, too :slight_smile:

  1. The OT has that amazing CC66(?) that sends the knob positions of everything to an external source. The other Elektron boxes need that, but it needs to go one step further. There should be an option that on every pattern change, the knob position data is sent out automatically. A great use for this is when rocking something like a Faderfox controller that can receive MIDI messages. Every new pattern would immediately adjust the FF to mirror the linked controls, thereby opening up so much more freedom in live use.

  2. More banks on the Digi boxes - assume 1 bank per song, sometimes we need more than 8 songs!

  3. Ability to rename/rearrange/move patterns in Transfer - and with the Digitakt, it moves used samples/sound locks.

  4. For the DT specifically, the PURGE feature should provide an option to only purge SOUND POOL entries that are not used. (Also, does the purging keep a samples that are only step locked, not just assigned to full tracks?)

  5. I’ve been moving some parts from my Digitone to my Syntakt. While it works pretty well just copying tracks to MIDI tracks and recording on the ST, there’s definitely a hitch when you have trig conditions. It’d be awesome if there was a way to transfer the sequence data (trig conditions, microtiming, notes, etc.) between boxes. Not sure how it’d work, though.’’

  6. Parameter slides!!!

  7. Arpeggiators on all 3 DIGI boxes for both audio/synth and MIDI tracks.

  8. Allow for plocks to activate even when sequenced from external gear.

  9. Had another idea after playing around with the LPPMK3. We need microTRIGS. Not just microTIMING. On the LP, you can actually place 6 more trigs in each step, though they’re all the same note. Elektron should add that to their boxes, but let us change each note.

  10. We need a way to either MIDI map FILL modes on all the boxes, or the ability to have one box’s FILL press trigger other boxes, too. I only have 2 (tiny) hands. I can’t do fills on the DN, DT, and ST

  11. I’d love the ability to choose which tracks FILL effects when playing live. Maybe a feature where if you hold down the track key and hit the FILL button, it only affects those tracks. That way you could have fills for various percussions, but they don’t all trigger constantly when hitting the fill button.

  12. Kits idea: Here’s the idea: You save your track as a SOUND. Then, in the DT settings somewhere, you could set it so that if that specific sound is on the same track as previous patterns, changing it in one pattern would change it in all the other patterns! So if you wanted T1KICK to always have the same settings, you could save it to your sound pool and all the settings (MIX LEVEL included) would stay consistent for any instance of that sound on that track in all patterns. If you wanted a different kick in a pattern, you just change the assigned sound.

  13. X:Y FILL trigs - creates even more variations!

  14. Keyboard Fold (like the ST) on all machines

  15. Digitone-style polyphony for at least the DT/ST - For the ST, if there were 24 voices available (like the DN has 4x2), it’d open it up so much more. For the DT, 16 (8x2) would do the same.

  16. More delay/reverb parameters to tweak. Maybe a few algorithms to choose from.

  17. Chorus on the DT/ST

  18. For Overbridge: Syntakt and Digitakt can multitrack each track in stereo so it captures panning automation. Alternatively, provide a way to send the panning automation out via MIDI to a DAW from the audio track directly so it can be replicated there.

  19. For Overbridge: All multitracks have their own reverb and delay so that they can be recorded with their source material instead of all in one track OR each track has 2 more sub tracks so delays and reverbs are separate for each one.

  20. For the class compliant aspect, provide a way to multitrack all the tracks without overbridge on computer or iOS.

  21. Ability to use the headphone jack as 2nd set of outputs (so, for example, on the ST, the FX block and DRY signals could come out of different audio outputs).

  22. When doing odd time signatures, each pattern page is just 1 bar, so if you have a 60 step long pattern, each page is only 15 steps, instead of 16-16-16-12

  23. Instant pattern jump options

  24. Fix the pattern change bug when having different pattern lengths on different machines. Pattern change should be based on the PC Change length at 1x regardless of track division/multiplication

  25. MIDI Profiles - same as saving sounds/presets. Setting it up each time is a pain in the butt.


I’d like a latch feature on the AR2 so that I don’t have to keep pressing the bank button when changing patterns (direct jump mode).
Fill trigs should be a different colour

Midi ratchets [with assignable CC or LFO]

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I really DON’T want them to ever implement this because I feel like they’ll end up ‘fixing’ the current way you can DIY scenes on Digitone by exploiting trig preview (set up lock trigs on the Digitone, let something external sequence it, hold down a trig with locks to get have all the plocks apply to any incoming notes) :sweat_smile:


would people make use of a 0% probability option (or perhaps just off ) ?

for me this is useful for creating a specific locked trig i want to free trigger (trig + yes) outside of the sequence.


It would make the scenes trick a little easier to use.

Song mode :wink:


if song mode was possibile,
I request a number generator to win the lottery :sweat_smile:

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Got another genius idea. Provide an easy way to save all track sounds in a pattern to the sound pool directly instead of having to save it to the +Drive first. Unless I’m missing something, I don’t think it’s possible.

Imagine this scenario: You load up a preset you’ve already made, you tweak it nice for the song itself, and you want it in the soundpool. You don’t really care to have it in the +Drive because it’s only for this song, but you want to be able to soundlock it. So now you have to save it to the +D just to get it into your soundpool. Let’s change that!

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One thing I would love on all the current Elektron boxes would be thr retrig from the original trinity (e12 machines and sample machines on Machinedrum, beatbox on MM, and on the Octatrack).
The current retrig style is nice, but it doesn’t go fast enough to get the tonal textural glitches of the legacy boxes. Also, I like having retrig and retrig time on knobs, because I find it fun to just record the knob movements, and clean them up with P-locks.
I copied the legacy retrig in the Grid in Bitwig, but I really enjoy having it on the hardware boxes.


More ideas:

  1. Song Mode automation lane recording - this would be basic, probably - imagine that, in song mode, you could tweak (at least) the macro knobs (MW, Vel, PB, BC, AFT) and have that recorded into song mode.

  2. Individual USB output of each track without Overbridge - make it a virtual multi-out interface.

  3. Per track sidechain. I had this genius idea yesterday in the car. This would let any track act as the side chain for any other one. Amazing! Check it. On the 2nd page of the AMP page, there are these settings:

  • SCIN - Which track on the machine is providing the side chain
  • SCDPTH - The depth, ducking or expanding, of the signal
  • ENV - An envelope like the jam on the ST FX block
  • SCBW - Base/Width control of the input signal
  • MKUP - Makeup gain
  1. LFO Designer!

The option to have Direct pattern change via the program change message. The only real downer with Elektrons for me. Even if it’s a bit glitchy, please let us have the option. The A4 & Rytm even have a direct change button, so a program change message could just do the exact same function.

Failing that, if people can fake it with sequence stop/PC/start message then I’m sure Elektron could implement the same idea internally.

They are such great machines until you use a non Elektron Sequencer as Master.

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Here’s another dope one. Per-step-micro-fills! Hold down a step and within it, program up to 6 more steps! It’s a function that’s sort of the on the Novation Launchpad Pro MK3.

the things i’m most curious about why they are missing are:

  • being able to select output (OUT LR or Headphone Out) per track on all digis,
    especially on syntakt with its effect track - couldn’t overstate how cool it would be
    to use my effect pedals with this!
  • obviously midi arps at least on digitone, i mean really, how long are people requesting this
  • on syntakt, being able to use the mod trigs triggerless, meaning applying them on the trigs of a running sequence, would be much better imho. also, as i understand it, there´s no live quantisation?

iOS and Android apps so that we can backup/update our units from our phones.

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The headphone and main outs of the digi series are electrically connected, so they cannot output different signals.

that´s sad to hear, thx for the clarification tho

Neither do I…?