Feature Requests for all Elektron Machines

This is a question I’ve been pondering regarding a feature. P-Locks. They’re great, however they’re crap in a way at the same time. My experience with them is that they are steps, not a linear joined continuous recorded effect.

When I live record and begin tweaking parameters the playback doesn’t always sound the same as when I’m performing it. And my guess is b/c it is just basically taking a snapshot of the parameters on each step and not the time in between, i.e. actual movement.

I don’t know that it would be possible for them to change the way this operates without it being a track unto it self and the memory to do it. But that would make the p-locks an actual performance recording rather than just a step by step, bit by bit type of sequence.

I doubt that will ever happen, they are 64 step sequencers and offset values, however the older/bigger Elektrons do have slide per step which transforms smoothly between p-locked values instead of jumping. I don’t think any of the Digis have this.

The A4:


When I live record and begin tweaking parameters the playback doesn’t always sound the same as when I’m performing it. And my guess is b/c it is just basically taking a snapshot of the parameters on each step and not the time in between, i.e. actual movement

To deal with these clipping defects, potato resetting, in the soup, frequency jumps… I resample.

I see what you mean and what you would like… Take a look at the MKII versions, in addition to the p-locks, The instrument allows with its programming to apply a transition on the whole Pattern. I think and hope that this type of option will become commonplace in the future. With also sequences of p-locks, arranged like Presets, recordable, programmable, and organized… in short, the elektron of the following years.

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It seems like from the manual that I would use ‘trig-slides’ and that may be similar to the ‘parameter slide’ of the AR. @Log-c I do use the Mk2 OT, and thanks for the resampling suggestion, which is probably the best option so far as getting the result that I want or intend.

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One thing I wanted was to be able to Reload Kit but have it happen at the start of the nextpattern/bar. Kind of like the Ableton behaviour where you press play on a clip and it will start on the next bar, or the way Patterns work.

That way you can go nuts with the parameters really messing up a kit, then hit reload kit and it will reload on the beat. Great for performing live, creating drops etc.

If this is already possible, would love to know how!

It would be nice to be able to set probability on features of a trig, but not in the trig itself.

ex: reverb with a 25% chance of sounding on a trig, but that trig will play 100% of the time, unaffected by the probability setting.

if I was clear enough


Yeah I like that idea, in Drambo you can do that sort of thing like a chain of gates, so note plays & then add a condition for p-lock. You can also then add a further condition for retrig or jump (which goes to a specified step)

i haven’t tested this but could you put a trigless trig microtimed just behind the desired trig with the plocks you need and set probability on the trigless trig as needed, might work ok for reverb but maybe not all params…


You could…but that trick doesn’t werk when you have a trig on every step. :grimacing:

Not a fan of that trick anyways. I’m all for werk arounds. But that one always felt pretty sloppy to me.

Sloppy is my middle name

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I dunno about that

it works pretty well if you’re using PRE and !PRE trigs combined with individual trig chance or A:B trigs, but if you’re using swing it can all get messed up

sometimes it’s cool, usually it’s not

still wish you could do !A:B trigs so you could get the inverse of 1:2 or whatnot, but that’s just me, idk how possible it is

Ya I know it’s and old skool trick…but is not possible with a trig on every step unfortunately.

unless I can’t remember and can’t read, but can to use the PREs to check what it should be PREing against in other tracks? THAT would werk.

unfortunately I think then you’d have to start using NEI trigs with a second track to get that functionality

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Yes NEI…but doesn’t that check against tracks on each side? Or is it down stream, or can you chose the neighbour?

You can use LFOs for that.

Not the way I want. That’s to regular. And and doesn’t offer the control I’d like.

a little later on: you’ve got me thinking of a different way to use the LFO :thinking: it could just werk. gonna try something later on.

while I play around with this. [I think its gonna werk] what would add to it would be…CC or a modulation destination for the LFO wave type. what a GREAT way that would be to use the LFO Designer waves :+1:t6:

I’d like the ability to shift all tracks at once and the ability to temporarily disable all trig conditions.

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it’s down the stream iirc but I forget which way it goes

Was jamming with a friend last night and decided to make a post about this.

I would very much like a “performance mode” or somesuch for the knobs that would turn off the acceleration curve and make all the knobs work like the legacy devices. As it is, “accurate” is not what I would call the knobs on my Digitakt. “Detailed” yes, the fine adjustment is very fine. But during a performance, there’s virtually no way to know where a parameter will end up as it depends on how fast you’ve been turning it. It’s also very difficult to do fast oscillations (and in my experience, totally impossible on the Digitone) and even then you are limited as if you go too fast you’ll just end up with a subtle wobble.

So yeah, a way to just have a linear 1-1 response where a full turn = the full value range of the parameters (or close enough), and ideally it would be a button hold but we’re low on free buttons so my suggestion would be that Elektron make it an alternate mode for the FUNC button enabled in the project settings.

I feel like we need this in order to use Elektron gear to their full potential as instruments.