Fediverse Soundcloud for Elektronauts?

With the collapsing of Twitter and the renewed interest in Mastodon, I’ve been asking myself if there’s a federated version of Soundcloud better suited for streaming tunes and posting music within the fediverse. My (very brief) research suggests FunkWhale (funkwhale.audio) is the current go-to for this.

So first off, anyone know more about this that can confirm or deny funkwhale as a right thing to be looking into?

Then, anyone with funkwhale experiences to share and educate us with?

Finally, would fellow ’naughts be interested in setting up an instance for our community?


/me sticks a hand up for collective ownership of the means of distribution


I would have no idea how to set this up, but I would totally participate.

I set up a mastodon instance using masto.host and ran it through 2021(ish), to see what it was like. It quickly became apparent that I wasn’t interested in running an instance myself. Even the very minimal effort needed to accept new members felt like “too much work” for me, then. I’d be up for sharing the load but I definitely don’t want to “lead” it. Finding new members for the weakly-defined community I was “setting up” wasn’t enough motivation for me. Having a pre-populated community (some sub-set of you good people here) to bolster the sense of “worth” would help me immensely.

The hosting company I used was good. It “just worked” for my use case and the maintainer/owner was good with support.


So, actually, does anyone know if “Elektronauts” is an owned trademark or something? Like if I wanted to make thing dedicated to “the music of Elektronauts” would I need too get permission from someone or pop a “™” on there or something?

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IANAL, but it didn’t show up in this USPTO trademark search: Search trademark database | USPTO. Don’t know the right way to search for trademarks in Sweden and the rest of the world

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Trademarked in Sweden


Good to know! I’ll go with something more nondescript. nauts.audio or something.

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I’ve gone from considering Mastodon to be a gnarly metal band that sing about Moby Dick and climbing mountains to a nerdy online hangout choice within a week.

Seriously, why is everyone talking about Mastodon now?

If someone makes an Elektronauts online music thingy, I’m in.

Elon Musk officially has ownership of Twitter, and in a short time has fired a huge chunk of staff and alienated even more to the point of quitting.

So people are looking for the next best option in case they need to jump ship, and Mastodon was at least partly designed to be that option.

Cohost is another new platform i’m interested in. It’s got some high-minded ideals and doesn’t require user hosting, but takes some time to get full posting rights and is missing a mobile app. Very tumblr/LiveJournal. I dunno. I’ll be keeping tabs on it.

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A good question to ask is: what do you expect to get out of a Mastadon instance?

Elektronauts is a good place for us to talk about music and music gear. If you want real time chat, consider a Slack or Discord instance. Free-tier Slack is sufficiently functional, and admin duties are light. Discord is a bit more of a shitshow, but some people really like it.

People I respect in InfoSec quickly noped out of running Mastadon instances, so I’m not inclined to do it myself.

I have a few toy projects to replace Soundcloud in the back of my head, but the litigious nature of the music industry keeps me from pursuing them. If I’m going to go to the effort to raise money for a project, I’d rather sell stuff to big dumb corporations with deep pockets than frugal musicians and their fans.

That said, if you really want to build a thing, social media music things are very good toy projects.


Following, I guess engagement would depend on cost.

I’m happy to contribute any skills with infrastructure if a hosted instance.

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Well, nothing really. I’m not talking about setting up a mastadon instance; which is like a twitter server. I’m quite happy communicating and sharing all my twitter-shaped thoughts here in the forum.

What I’m talking about is a different kind of instance called FunkWhale (https://funkwhale.audio). My understanding is that, like mastadon, it’s based on ActivityPub, and thus is a member of the “fediverse” and can share/interact with mastadon instances. But unlike mastadon, its purpose is hosting music, metadata, and playlists. My hope would be to use it as an alternative to SoundCloud.

Now, I can always post an MP3 directly here or in a tweet or “toot”, so why bother with SoundCloud or a SoundCloud replacement?

For me, the answer is I like having a playlist of my music or collections of the different types of music I make that’s browsable. That’s what I’m hoping a FunkWhale instance could provide (it’s supposed to be a clone of the late GrooveShark, so I think that should be possible). But we’ll have to see. I can’t join any of the existing FunkWhale instances — they’re all timing out (maybe not a great sign?)

Regardless, I wouldn’t dream of just grabbing a linode host, installing packages, and hoping for the best. I’d pay one of the fediverse hosting providers to run and maintain it for me. Most of them are completely swamped right now (see above), so it may take time for this to happen.

Also, I wouldn’t throw the doors open to any rando looking to launder their pirated music collection. I envision just a small instance just for Elektronauts who want a place to stream music of their own creation. Maybe it would be invite only or something?

Lots of unanswered questions, but it seems like there’s enough interest that it will be worth trying to answer them. So I’ll keep digging and experimenting and follow up here with anything I find. Everyone else please do the same!


I’d love a funkwhale instance, for all electronic and experimental music maker. I’d love to see people from the monome forum / community involved in there too, and other group like pure data. I’d love to join a community of noise maker not define by the brand but by the ideal behind it.

I used digital ocean in the past for this type of deployment (like mastodon server). I’ve been hanging out at sdf.org quite a lot too, where they have their own mastodon. If there was enough request, sdf.org would probably install a funkwhale instance, they alerady have a pixelfed and a toobnix.org for video…

Just saying in case you’re looking for a nice hangout


(we also have a synth battle royal every friday night)



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I Am Not A Lawyer



was that my “whoosh” moment? early saturday morning, not in focus… wasted my focus checking is fabfilter doing black friday sale or something…

I like how these things all interrelated. It’s a bit complicated to get started, which can be a barrier to non nerds, but then again it’s too easy to sign up to twitter and immediately start shouting.

The upside is a bunch of freeform, non-centralized places to hang out. I would love to have a place where the music comes first. I love Elektronauts, but we’re more about gear discussion. Music sharing would be amazing, especially if it had the mostly inclusive social vibe we enjoy here.

I envision the fediverse as a kind of low-rent part of town where indie hangouts can thrive, away from the corporate control of Big Downtown.

I have a micro.blog that I plan to post more music to, and that can be followed via Mastodon. And my Mastodon account is on the indieweb server, which seems pretty good.

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I’ve been constantly refreshing their page hoping for this, too!

This is a good point. I don’t think of “Elektronauts” as “music makers with Elektrons” so much as “the best online community I’ve been a part of.” But this project should definitely be focused on electronic (rather than :3lektron:) music.

Woah! That is crazy old-school. Reminds me of my first shell decades ago on the OAR.net. I’ll definitely be checking this out.