Ferrofish Pulse 16 AD/DA Converter


any one have experience with the company Ferrofish and their converters? Want to expand my inputs via adat of my RME UFX2 should be not a problem. Need someone who can compare the Ferrofish with the RME.


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Hi, im using a pulse 16 with a rme UFX. No Problems and very good quality overall. In direct comparison to the rme A/D converters, there is no negative difference. At least i can not hear it. They sound clean and precise at 48khz. On the D/A side, the UFX sounds noticeable better, wider more open (terms which are quite subjective).

I can totally recommend the pulse - 16 ins/out in this quality for a good price (paid 700€ for a perfect used one)

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Thank you i think this is a great deal with all the features :wink:

I think it is a great deal.
I upgraded (in terms of channel count) from an RME DS8. Never regreted it :slight_smile:

+1 on the pulse 16… i owned one briefly but then got a second apollo 16 in the end… ferrofish makes some excellent hardware.


okay and why do you went with the Apollo 16 at the end?

I´m in the same boot at the moment. Happy FF802 + UAD satelites with firewire user here.
I think the ferofisch does a great Job as far as I have read about it.

So if I start thinking about next 5 years … big question what would be the better future investment? Adding the ferrorfish to the rme … or saving some money and going with the Apollos and get rid of the Firewire satelites? hhmm.

Iam very happy with my Pulse 16 the quallity is the same like rme for my taste. Build like a tank but i noticed its easier to use as the rme. The menue diving with the knob is so easy. Definitely my recommend!

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My pulse arrived 2 days ago and i‘m so far so happy! Got a good b-stock deal directly at ferrofish website and it arrived with all the lightpipe cables and even 2 nice cups! The connection and setup to rme fireface was smooth and easy. Also using the pulse out for my main monitors now as i noticed a slightly more transparent/open sound then the fireface. But thats more of a feeling then accurate mesurement.

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yes the output is slightly different to the rme…but the inputs sounds not far away from rme :wink:

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I have a fireface UCX, will the ferrofish pulse 16 working with my UCX?
I guess only 8 Ins and outs possible, but maybe someone here knows that better than me.

Yes it will work with your Fireface via ADAT and extended your inputs and outputs. 8 channels from your fireface and 8 channels from the ferrofish :wink:

Hoe does the Pulse 16 compare to a ada8200?

Im rocking a digiface and willing to expand. Simply working in a home studio, though it should all be a semi pro kit.

Debating if its worth the extra money or if I should Just first use the ada for a while and upgrade after a few months/years.

can someone confirm if one of the ADAT connectors can be swapped to a regular 2 chan optical SPDIF output like on the 32 chan version?

It is possible to use 2 of the output to go to the main monitor?

Yes, but you might be better with an attenuator (monitor level control) unit of some sort before hitting your monitors

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Probably too late to the party, but I use a Digiface with the Ferrofish pulse and it’s flawless. You can route anything you want anywhere in Totalmix and you get 16 I/O compared to 8 I/O which only utilises 2 of the 4 Digiface ADAT connections. So you could add another Pulse later if needed for a full 32 I/O


Some good info here … the 16 outputs are TRS so you could have 8 pairs running :grinning:

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Resurrecting, because I’m considering the 32 i/o version.

Anyone used that?

i have pulse 16 for 5 months now, it is amazing converter :heart: