Field recorders

I’m not a camera nerd

my Konica Hexar AF



Ha ha. The Hexar has a stealth mode btw :wink: and if you’re nice I’ll let you look in my frige of kodachrome :wink:


Is there a field recorder that has a remote control and can be monitored over Bluetooth? I want to mount one on the outside of my car and be able to listen in over my car stereo and start and stop recording without opening the windows.

surely you’re mostly going to record wind from the outside of a moving car?


I don’t plan on using it while crusing it.

Plenty of recorders have apps with bluetooth connection now, not sure about monitoring over bluetooth though. I don’t think I’ve heard of one that can do that but it’s probably a thing. Otherwise you can run a thin cable in and secure it with gaffer.

Unless you’re playing back at a very low volume with the speakers you’ll probably get feedback.

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From a safety perspective: don’t.

Instead, start the recorder before you start driving and stop it after you are finished. Edit the long recording after the fact to pull out what you want.

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Oh, I don’t plan to use it while driving. That’s what checking reverb is for.


ah, i see!

wouldnt wind pressure, rain and other particles, destroy the capsules quickly?
also if mounted onto a car, even at idle, youd have turn the engine off, because of vibrations.

id say disadvantages of that setup vastly overshadow the open window + handheld approach.
unless you want to spy on people at a parking lot. perhaps you could look into how police does it.

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Sorry if already talked about but has anyone used the zoom f2? Thinking of getting one for recording interviews but would like to use it for field recordings also. I like it’s portability and it records in 32 but float


No but I like the simple controls on that.

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I had looked at the F2, but went ultimately with the Zoom F3 because it allowed easier connection of two microphone/line inputs (xlr) and could provide phantom power, etc. while remaining very small and easy to handle.

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MixPre-6ii gets my vote. portable, 4 nice preamps, wish it had dedicated two trs outputs instead of 3.5mm out but adding two more trs jacks in this small form factor would have been hard to do. I’m thinking of adding Musician plugin for standalone multitracking

My recently acquired Zoom F6 is behaving weirdly. Yesterday I was testing it with an Audio-Technica AT875R microphone and after pulling out the mic cable for trying another one of the F6 inputs (the first input seemed noisy).

Suddenly there was no sound. None of the inputs seemed to work. Tried with another mic cable, nothing. Tried with another mic and everything worked fine.

I thought the mic had suddenly stopped working. But then I plugged it into my Mackie mixer and everything was fine.

Tried to do a factory reset of the F6, but nothing changed. What could have gone wrong?

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Did you accidentally disable phantom power?

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Actually it was just something as silly as that :sweat_smile: