Field recorders

@Slugabed Compared to the few recorders I’ve used so far, the handling of noise isn’t any worse, but it’s not much better either… I think that’s always an issue with these plastic bodies. In any case, you don’t notice much of the new coating to minimize the handling noise, but since the M4 is so big (and “heavy”), it’s not difficult to hold it safely but relaxed in your hand and to minimize the handling noise yourself :smile:


Looks like Zoom has acknowledged the issue exists in certain units and are offering free replacements.

I just ordered this to sync with my DSLR camera

I will let you all know how the frame sync works with audio.

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The 70D doesn’t have timecode, the 701D has HDMI and BNC connections for sync.

So I still have to line up the audio in my video editor ?

Yep. You can use the minijack input for routing the camera’s audio into the recorder -


But that’s still going to need some manual alignment/timestretch of the recorded audio to get it to sync properly to the video, especially for longer shoots. Proper timecode sync is generally much preferable.

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I’m just tracking my 10-30 minute synth performances and tutorials. Is that time span considered « long play »?

There will be some noticable drift between video and audio with that length yeah, there’s a few things you can do to align it though, but you’ll probably have to stretch/extend one or the other to line up if the sync is really important. Perhaps a bit of time difference won’t be noticable for what you’re doing though and you won’t need to do much.

Just be sure to clap at the start and end of the recording so you can sync the two easily with the waveforms.

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I’ll be the lab rat then. It may not even matter too much like you said. Most of the capture will be my hand moving on the sequencers and playing the keys. I won’t have to worry about the Kung Fu movie dubs because I am not showing my face when talking. Thanks for all the pointers

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I’m too lazy to do too much research but I want a field recorder to do man on the street interviews with good fidelity and not too much fuss and no more than 150$ used. Anything like the Yashica T4 of field recorders? I have an h1 but find the interface to be too cheap feeling and the batteries seem to drain so fast.

The Sony M10 is probably the T4 of filed recorder: works amazingly well, out of production, crazy used prices.


Same as Olympus LS-11


But, did Terry Richardson use it?

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Bonus: the M10 was available in candy colors (mine is red), so perfect for making creepy suruptitious recordings. :grimacing:

(Do NOT do this)

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Seriously though, the Zoom H2n should do the job. Just be aware of the 60hz cut.


Actually, I went to a small show of his once that included recordings of his mom off of an answering machine, maybe I should look for a battery powered one.

Small, inexpensive digital recorders are going to vary little between one another compared to analogue cameras where there are hundreds of nuanced differences between two.

OT: Whats the current unsung 90s point and shoot that hasnt been gentrified yet?


I think the kids have actually moved on to early point and shoot digital cameras or at least that’s what I skimmed in a wsj article.

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Of all things that I wouldn’t trust the WSJ on, “what the kids are doing now” is near the top. :joy:

FWIW, I sold my T4 Super a little more than a year ago for around six bills to another tech bro. I sold my wife’s Olympus Zoom P&S for 1/10 of what I got for the T4 to a teenager who was about to go on an international vacation with his family.

Teenager sent me a bunch of scans of his vacation photos (which were excellent, BTW).

The novel things about the T4 were the top-down viewfinder and the relatively fast and wide lens. Except for the top-down, the Panasonic LX series digital cameras were wider and faster. Also, the T4 requires DX coded film cartridges, so if you hand-load film you have to buy pre-coded cartridges, which was a pain.

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I’m not a camera nerd but I just stick with my Konica Hexar AF.

You just need to scroll for a few mins through IG to see kids using their newly discovered CoolPix etc. photos. WSJ usually reports on such things a good 6 months after they start taking off.

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