Fill false trig - use

Hi all,
I have had quite a lot Elektron gear by now and thought I know the sequencer inside out. However, I never used Fill/false (so fill with a stripe on top condition) and I am wondering what is the creative use of this condition - to be honest, isn’t it like just a normal trig - it plays when fill function is not engaged?
This is a question that could apply to any Elektron sequencers.

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Well yeah, you described it right, but its quite useful that way. If for instance you want to replace your regular snare with a couple of drum rolls during a fill, you can p-lock the rolls to fill, and the regular snare to negative fill. I use this quite often actually.


Think about a tom fill in a rock song. The drummer often doesn’t keep the snare/cymbals going underneath the tom fill because they don’t have enough hands.
Doesn’t relate much to electronic music, but the principle is similar—it allows you to drop some parts out while a fill is happening, for effect, or to stop things from getting too busy.


Oh I see so for instance if i had a snare on step 15 playing with no condition, and i want a fill that WILL NOT trigger that step, i would place say snares on trigs 13,14 and 16, set them as Fill true, and mark my trig 15 as trig false, when fill is pressed, I won’t hear that snare on trig 15, just the 3 on 13,14 and 16. . Got it, thanks. Duh, this was stupid of me, I did so much gymnastics around stuff like this, would usually micro move and set 1:2 or whatever to the trig i dont want to play during fill on an even track pass - thanks:)

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Thanks mate, absolutely clear now, yeah, you remove the hit that collides with your fill, perfectly logical. cheers:)

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