Filter LFO pops

i have a sy chord sound that i have pumping to a rhythm via a square filter LFO wave - but it pops at each cycle - i have no resonance on the filter so i’m not sure why it’s doing that

i’ve tried everything i can think of to get rid of the pops, but the only thing that works is changing it to a sine or triangle wave, but it just doesn’t have the same rythmic pulse strength.

anyone have any other ideas that might work?

This is just the nature of sudden changes. Clicks and pops happen whenever the output waveform changes very suddenly, and a square wave LFO is a sure way to get rapid transitions. You might try the half ramp waveform with half cycle trig mode so it ramps up and stays there, but that will only smooth one side of LFO waveform. Maybe something with clever p locks of the LFO though.

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ah thanks, makes sense - i think i’m going to have to basically make much shorter trigs instead of one long one and have the square waveform fade in each time slightly or change the attack of the filter or amp…

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