Finally pulled the trigger

Ordered a Machinedrum SPS-1UW+ last night from Perfect Circuit Audio. Open box demo item. Should be here in a few days. Going to be pairing it with my Monomachine. Any tips or tricks I should keep in mind?

Also, what’s the easiest way to keep the 2 units synced up? If I change the tempo on one when they’re synced, will the other change automatically?

My plan is to use the Monomachine to sequence all the internal synths, plus my outboard synths (virus, fatman, ms2000br, volcabeats), then program beats and other shit on the MD. I want to make sure if I hit play on the MnM that it starts the MD and stays in time.

Of course they will sync with just 1 MIDI cable. Enjoy!

Well I figured that. I guess I should have been more clear, which MIDI settings do I need on each to make sure they sync in time, tempo, and transport?

For the Monomachine to be master:

GLOBAL > CONTROL > CONTROL OUT 2 menu: set Transport to ‘Out’ and set MIDI Clock to ‘Out’

See page 92 in the manual.

On the Machinedrum:

GLOBAL > SYNC > TEMPO IN menu: set Tempo Source to ‘External’

GLOBAL > SYNC > CTRL IN menu: set Ctrl In to ‘On’

See pages 80 and 81 in the manual.

You’re awesome, Peter. Thanks so much. I’m really excited to start messing around with this.

If I set the transport controls to send out from the MnM, I’m assuming I can still hit Play on the MD when working on just that to reference what I’m doing?

Also, if I wanted to set the MnM at a tempo of 75 and the MD at 150 to get quicker fills, I assume I could turn off external tempo on the MD but still have the MnM start the MD via transport?

From memory (I’m not in front of the instruments at the moment), yes.


Or, perhaps even better, if you only want the MD to run at double tempo on some patterns, just set the MD’s tempo multiplier for those patterns to be 2X and they will automatically run at double the master tempo. See page 38 of the MD manual.

Groovadellic. This is gonna be super awesome.

I have the MnM and MD running in Sync and its great.
A really fun thing to do is run both machines in song mode and experiment with the start points of the pattern and using different pattern lengths on each song row or have one pattern play shorter and start over before the other machines pattern. Also use mutes to drop parts in and out.
Its gets a little wild and hard to tame but its fun to get out of the 4 /4 feel.
I like to run the MD at 2x and keep the MnM 1x speed.
These machines play great together

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Just a couple of tips:
The combo function+ turning knob is great but keep in mind to save your kit before
And the combo function/turning knob + function/classic is awesome.
… but keep in mind to save your kit before :wink:

Once you’ve got a feel for both devices individually, explore running one through the other. This lets you apply an additional layer of effects to the upstream instrument. I personally prefer running the MD through a MnM dynamix machine so I can sequence gate time, filter and delay effects, plus the compressor itself. But lots of users like to run MnM through MD for live resampling with the RAM machines. (Check out the old Hector demo videos, and substitute another Elektron for the vinyl sound source he uses … tons of fun.)

If you aren’t planning to incorporate a MIDI controller, another thing I find useful is to set up a couple of MIDI machines on your MD kit. (This assumes MD is master of course.) Tweaking the MnM live can be tricky if you’re trying to make simultaneous changes on different menu pages, but trigging an MD MIDI machine can handle this for you.

From memory (I’m not in front of the instruments at the moment), yes.[/quote]
Peter’s right, you can do this.

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Ooooooo this is all so exciting