Find sound used in factory presets

I’m not new to Elektron gear, but am new to the Digitone. One thing that immediately eludes me is that it doesn’t show the names of the sounds loaded into the tracks? How can you P-lock a sound back and forth, if you don’t know the sound names?

For example, I loaded factory pattern A6 and that has a really nice techno kick. I can’t find that name of it anywhere, and that track is p-locked all over to have percussion and snares, etc. ??

So I went into the sound browser and filtered by kick. I went through every kick, and they all sounded terrible, not one was even close to the one in pattern A6. I did do a factory reset, so I assume the drive has all the factory sounds in there - but if the names of them are not shown anywhere, how do you work around that?

I must be missing something really fundamental which I can’t find in the horribly written manual - but what?

I just went to a blank pattern and then reviewed the kicks on the drive, and they sounded much better. So the factory pattern must have had some parameters set which ruined the sound of most kicks on the drive.

On a track where I suspect there are kicks, snares and hats all p-locked, there is no way to separate those and save them, or use them, or find them by name!

So if the kick is the main sound on that track then you should be able to “copy” the sound by holding the track button and hitting “copy” and then paste that sound onto a new track in a new pattern.

So I have found that if you tap the track button you see the loaded sound. I have not found a way to see all sounds in the factory presets, and they don’t appear to even be in the soundpool that the factory patterns use. There is still some mystery here.

Ahhhhh shit dude so you’re asking about the locked sounds? Hold down the trig you want and move the Level/Data encoder. It should pop up what preset they used. If they didn’t use a preset or a saved sound well i’m afraid i can’t help you.

Yeah just re-read that. If they aren’t in the sound pool you’re gonna have to go to each parameter page while holding down the trig and figure it out or you could just “copy trig” and do it that way.