Finishing tracks in DAW via overbridge

Hi guys I’m looking for a little advice on how to go about recording and finishing digitakt tracks via overbridge (picking up a digitakt soon).

I’ve watched an enormous amount of tutorials and content about the digitakt and overbridge so I’m familiar with how to do multi track recording and recording the send effects to master output etc. but I came across an excellent video by Ihor that shows a strategy of simply replicating the digitakt effects in ableton using the daw software effects instead of the internal effects.

I’ve also seen some pretty crazy videos where all the knob movements and parameter locks can be recorded as automation into your daw via midi, so I’m wondering a couple of different things:

  1. Would it be possible to map the digitakt controls for the effects values to the software effects in ableton/logic? Idea being when recording a song into the daw, you have clean multi track recording with separate replication of the effects in software. That way if you want to change the arrangement of certain tracks, you aren’t fighting the recorded digitakt effects from the master output that may no longer make sense when rearranged

  2. Would this even be a good idea?

I’m extremely attracted to the elektron workflow, but I’m concerned about having less flexibility when finishing a song in a daw.


Well got my digitakt and fired up overbridge. This requires one or two extra steps to accomplish, but works in Ableton pretty much flawlessly. It seems like Ableton records all the knob movements independently by default, so after actually recording something via overbridge, you can simply go to the digitakt midi track that you’ve set up and view each automation lane independently.

You can then just copy the automation to your send effects/panning etc in your DAW controls on a per track basis. I’ll probably make a YouTube video showing this at some point but its pretty trivial and works great.

Overbridge is absolutely insane.