First Jam with everything in place

I got my Octatrack MK2 a while back and am now super happy to have it as the centerpiece of my dawless setup. I use it to control my Eurorack, and Moog Semi-modular synth trio of DFAM, Mother32, and Subharmonicon.

In my rack, I have two distinct Voices with separate filters and effect chains. The voices can be sequenced individually over Midi from the Octatrack. I don’t sequence my Semi modulars, but send clock and transport to start/stop and time them.

For sound routing, all voices (Moogs, Eurorack etc) go into a mixer, and I send the main mix to Octatrack A&B and the Submix to B&C. I route percussion to B&C at the moment. I have both Aux sends and FX sends in my mixer that passes through 2x Endorphines Milky way modules.

Huge disclaimer. I have spent a lot more time on gear than actual music-making so far, tha plan is to do something about that in 2022 :slight_smile: Happy listening.


Nice one! I wish you to create lots of music you love with that setup!

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