First note on first page does not play

i have a 64 step sequence, with a trig on the first note of every page. when i hit play, the first note does not play, but once the pattern repeats, that note does play.
Somebody know what’s wrong?

maby you press first stop and dann play ?!

Think i found it. I set micro-timing of the note exactly to zero and now everything is OK.


I’ve ran into this a couple times too, I think it does have to do with micro timing but my trig deff wasn’t early so I’ll investigate further. Were you sending play from another device or Digi standalone? I was sending play from a4 when it happened to me but it wasn’t happening when I would hit play on Digi instead

Might you have live recorded the pattern without quantize? I think this could end up with a micro nudged first trig, which as you experienced won’t play the first cycle…

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Is anyone still experiencing this? I’m on the latest update and still appears to be happening.

Yes I am.
I is safer to nudge it +1 to the right
Sometime I notice it does sound but the velocity or volume is very low too

Hi guys I have just bought a digitone to add to my DT. I also have same issues but I don’t think it depends of micro-timing. All the trigs are quantized and DN doens’t always miss the first trig, but sometimes it happens and it shouldn’t. I made a few tests as you can see from the “illustration” I made.

  1. MIDI CONNECTIONs 1 : this is the way I’d like to play. In this scenario DN miss the first trig very often.
  2. MIDI CONNECTIONs 2 : Maybe it happens a little less but it happens.
  3. MIDI CONNECTIONs 3: Here I’m using the DT to play the system. It’s better but sometimes DN miss the first trigger anyway.

The only way to make it work is using DT and DN and nothing else. In this case It seems to work properly, but it would be useless to me. So it looks that Midisport and Beatstep are the cause, but what does it mean? Can I fix this problem?

nobody? maybe someone is using a similar workflow without issues? In this case it would be useful to know something about your setup and tools you’re using…
I’ll be glade if someone could help… thanks

It happens to me. Now and then the first notes won’t play, usually if I’m starting g it from the OT.
It’s annoying.

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I’m bringing this back because it’s happening to me and I’m using it standalone. Is this a micro timing thing?

You’re most likely live recording in unquantized mode. meaning you’re a little early. So the trig is technically placed before the play head when you’re starting the pattern again.

Hold REC and Toggle your live record mode between quantized and unquantized with the PLAY button. the default in a new project is Unquantized