First post: How good is the sequencer of DTone to sequence VST in PC DAW?

Hi, I am considering Digitone or A4 not only for their sounds but also they have a very powerful sequencer. However, any member here use DT or A4 to sequence VSTs with Live or Cubase? How many tracks they can do the external Sequencing ?


AFAIK A4 can use all 6 tracks (4 synth tracks + fx track + cv track) to sequence gear over midi, but only note on/off with velocity, 4 notes (root note + 3 offsets)

Digitakt has 8 dedicated midi tracks (also 4 notes) with pitchbend, modulation wheel, aftertouch, breath control and 8 midi cc + lfo to modulate midi parameters.

Oh, sorry you meant the Digitone!

Digitone offers similar features, only four midi tracks but 8 notes instead of four.

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Welcome! I’ve used DN for this in the past, and out of those two options, DN kicks the A4’s ass. The latter was never really made with midi in mind. DN has up to 8 notes per step, with 4 midi tracks available for your VSTs


OP mentioned Digitone, not DT :wink:

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Yeah thx, I already noticed that :slight_smile:

I don’t have the Digitone, but I often use my Octatrack to sequence Vsti’s, Reaktor, VCV Rack etc. All Elektrons with dedicated midi tracks are perfectly suited for that task.

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So Dtone can sequence 8 MIDI tracks via USB ?
And how about each step has its own semi tone?

No, 4 midi tracks in total. Over USB, yes. Up to 8 notes per step (for each of the 4 tracks) for chords. It’s a great midi sequencer imo

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Must advanced Elektron machine midi wise is still the Octatrack. You can plock arps, set a scale, you have 3 LFOs x 8 midi tracks…

But Digitone is already a good midi sequencer, IMO. Plus it takes pretty well an external keyboard.

You need to bear in mind that the Digitone’s sequencer is no where near as powerful as your DAW’s sequencer.

Where the DN will shine most is having dedicated sequencer step buttons so you may appreciate it for being more “hands on” and possibly quicker than your DAW for some things.