First time using Overbridge in around a year - now very stable!

So, I’ve not really used my Electron analogue machines for a long time now. Maybe a year or more. …but I’ve just powered everything up again to see how stable things are now.

This is MacOS 12.5, Rytm Mk1, A4 Mk1 and AK. Updated OB and the 3 units to latest software/firmware as of today.

Wonder of wonders - it’s really stable with all 3 devices running, whilst max-ing out the output channels too! I’ve never been able to get all 3 units working together before. All through a single Overhub (although I do have a second Overhub for other units).

It could be any of: updated device firmware, Overbridge, MacOS version, no longer using USB for VirusTi connection, or what I actually suspect - no longer having to use Cubase’s eLicenser dongle and also not using hardware iLok.

Could it be the eLicenser which was getting in the way the whole time?