Flagging request to make flaggers transparent

Honestly, isn’t anonymously flagging not worse than personally addressing something?

Just my personal view of course. As said I refrained from doing this.

but it wouldn’t though

what exactly do you mean ? you can’t store up resentment without coming across as hostile ?! either the guidelines work for you or they don’t

maybe the translation doesn’t work for you, but a debating society would be a very different spectacle to what i suspect you interpret as meaning that contrary views are not encouraged

a debating society is for rigorous debunking of controversial ideas and it’s most certainly not something that can happen in any forum as it would quickly be way too controversial … it’s not a suggestion that debate, especially constructive criticism, is not allowed, it’s encouraged

It’s all too easy to draw the wrong conclusions with all of this and invariably it’s those who have a bone about something that happened to them recently that moan about them (yet never use them) - they’re in the guidelines to prevent escalations and they are often used wisely by folk who may have been tempted to bite, but don’t - it requires restraint and a broader perspective and that’s a healthy thing

I don’t think there’s much more that can be said here, but let’s say that perceiving injustice and saying so is way too easy - demonstrating it as being so would be much harder in practice because the assumption is the content is censored and not that the delivery was inappropriate or off-topic or likely to fan the flames

there’ won’t be too much tolerance for fake news - that doesn’t make it like the secret societies are pulling all the strings

try not to personalise your comments wrt quote above - see the guidelines

There’s really nothing controversial in the quote you cherry-picked fyi


Flagging system rules and works as intended. If you feel your posts get flagged and not restores often, you’re probably trollish or a jerk or post nonsense. My posts get flagged often, and not restored.


Yah I saw you said you don t do that now. Just wanted to offer a perspective from the other side.

Nah, it’s the pulling people aside and speaking to them privately aspect that really makes my skin crawl. reminds me of a certain sort of creep in real life who take it upon themselves to “mentor” people they’ve just met. That kind of advice is only welcome from people I know and trust or people in authority.

By all means, feel free to call out bad or inapprpriate behaviour - just either do it publically or send up a flag and move on.

Can we just skip to the bit where you do your big flounce/rant about how unfair everything/everbody is and get yourself suspended for another month.

Seriously, just let this shit go, will you.

I’m not a big fan of the flagging system, but it is what it is, either participate according to the guidelines or find somewhere more suited to your needs.


What makes you think everyone has or should have a right to voice their opinion? Or rather that every opinion is equal.

If all you post is dumb shit or hot takes, then you will get flagged often. If you’re always on the wrong side of flags, take a good hard look in the mirror.


Some users may confuse the flagging here with other systems. In other forums there is no flagging system but a “voting” system (upvotes/downvotes). With enough downvotes, a post is hidden. Elektronauts does not work like that but when you come from other places it may not be that obvious, apart from RTFM of course

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just had a gander, many were rejected or ignored and the small minority that I could see that were approved for retention were you directly calling people trolls

that may have been a valid observation, but it’s a less than ideal way to simmer things down

just an observation - often the perceptions are not as bad a the realities, particularly when it’s our own buttons being pressed so to speak

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Is there a place on my profile I can see my flagged post count?

I probably have some work to put in…

just to avoid confusion - the user wanted to leave by their own volition, there was no suspension for erring

a month was chosen despite the plea to remove the account to allow a simmer down period from the heat of a debate which didn’t go to plan


I think it works fine. I’ve never taken any issue with any one of my flagged posts. I’ve even flagged myself once or twice.


You know what I’m saying though, this cycle of negativity needs to stop.

I’m all for having bit of a moan, as long as we’re all having a laugh (at my expense mostly, I hope), but some people on here just seem to be looking for something to complain about and bring little other than negativity as a result.

Just like @acidhouseforall said, I try my best to keep my political opinions to myself round here these days, as it’s not really what this forum is for.


…i think flagging makes totally sense, when it comes to hatespeech, discrimination and other uberobvious stuff like any fachist approaches…

so, EVERYBODY should really ask him/herself before flagging…
is this contnent i’m about to flag now, really SUCH A THING or do i just wanna silence that opinion since it does not match with mine…

it’s way too easy to stop free speech while hiding behind a flag and calling it off topic…

selfresponsebility and fairness is hardly needed…also here…as everywhere…

democracy can’t exist without dialog…
so we all better fight with arguments…instead of passive aggressive moves and moods…
this world is waaaayy too complex for simple black OR white answers…
always ask URSELF at first…at least twice…


it would only be staying up (if it was an error) because it wasn’t flagged, as the rules state … it’s not the moderators responsibility to read every single post and thread for context

a flag comes in

it’s processed as efficiently as time permits

if the catalyst post was flagged it too would be dealt with

the fact it doesn’t go straight away does not mean it’s got a green light - it just hasn’t been responded to appropriately

instead of replying to said post - just flag it - there ends the drama

this reluctance to use flags is not too different to saying the rules don’t apply to me which isn’t a cool system to work within

Discourse is a very popular platform, it is no doubt swings and balances in terms of how it compares with others, but it’s the one Elektron pay for

During this there have been other flags which are important, like duplicate topics which can make future searching tricky

it’s always the negatives which draw attention, never the positives, that’s natural, but seeing flags as ‘snitching’ or whatever folk object to is not as too cool for school as they might want to believe

they are helpful when used sensibly - to an extent, they can be overused for the wrong reasons too even with the best intentions

finding a balance has taken time and it’s been relatively calm for a while now

but then we have covid/russia/etc - a few hot potatoes



it’s not what anyone wants to see. - but it can’t become some carte blanche for anything can fly which is I think what this topic is possibly about

this side of it is a drag and it’s certainly not what most log in for

the topic (and its ilk) is somewhat a moot point as it is just the way the forum works, like it or not


This goes both ways. Formulate that similarly for the person about to post. It often goes wrong when people see it as their fundamental right to express any opinion anywhere anytime.

I personally ask myself a few things before I post: is this topic actually that relevant to me? Is someone else likely to post the exact same thing? Is this discussion actually going anywhere and will my reaction make it better or worse?


I agree completely and a lot of it is also political. The intolerance of a certain portion of the left has been notorious since the French Revolution. Any one who needs to silence an opinion is incapable of defending theirs openly. In which case what value are they bringing?

We are a community, we are not here to be herded by fanatics. That’s the opposite of community.

Now Elektron needs to make a stand don’t they?

…yup…EVERYTHING must go both ways…
while everything might even has a hundred different perspectives…

THIS is a good place…in a world that goes more and more nuts…

and while i think, any political assumptions can only be off topic HERE by nature,
sometimes this place must also reflect on shitshows and tragedies that happen elsewhere…

and whenever that happens, this comunity should show, that it’s aware of all this and is able to NOT just mirror all humans bad behaviour…

let’s keep this place a better one…

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I just laughed well loud, now all the other parents outside my kid’s playschool think I’m weird.


You ARE weird :smiley: