Flagging request to make flaggers transparent

This comment has been edited with the soul purpose of editing, and also to not cause any more headaches for the nice moderators.


^ Donā€™t. Please ā€¦ itā€™s no joke tbf :thup:

context now gone

it was a joke call to flag post as proxy-like


Good call, I donā€™t want that joke to cause to many headaches. I will edit.


I flagged it. Sorry. I didnā€™t get to your post in time.


Beep. Personal attack.

Aha. So you have a problem with it too. And it can be changed, but there seems to be the common ground among the moderaters and the company who owns this forum now not to do so, because they find the rules ok.

Well then, censorship is cool with you guys. We, the community didnā€™t had a chance to decide abou the guidelines you guys picked for us. Therefore you want to tell us whatā€™s appropriate and right to post or not to post.

I stand to my request. Please do something about the flagging system. Either make flaggers transparent or turn it off completely.

A good example how ppl are treated with a not so commonly opinion, is the Belektronaut thread. That imho speaks very loud for itself, how badly the flagging system really works and that itā€™s not there to remove spam or off topics, but mainly to silence people.

You guys try now to personally attack me, because I got bullied and complained about this to the mods and got suspended for complaining. As more often you deny it, as more clearly the misusage can be seen.

Feel free to flag it.


I guess if a user is more predisposed to freedom of expression (within reason) then they are more likely not to flag, if a user is more predisposed towards authority then they are more likely to flag.

Which is probably why some off topic posts stay (unflagged ones) and others get removed (flagged ones) which probably accounts for the perception of the imbalance/bias. But if everybody flagged every off topic or post then I think the forum would descend into tit for tat chaos.

If everybody adhered to the guidelines all the time none of this would be an issue, but the forum would probably be a lot less active and a lot less interesting IMHO.


Funny. Not. I am curious. Why are you so aggressive? I assume because I nailed it and you are feeling guilty?

So, if flaggers get exposed, it might be easier to find the reason for a flag and remove or change it one self, right?

I donā€™t know about you, but I read and agreed to the guidelines when I signed up, as Iā€™m sure everyone else didā€¦


I didnā€™t. I am long term user, and got transferred. Plus the guidelines probably changed along those years. Donā€™t know, thereā€™s no history to see.

on the contrary, the dividing line is more arguably one of self/communal interest

the rules are clear on this stuff - best revisit those with an open mind

this whole conspiracy hidden-figures authoritarian vibe is getting old now, is this an interesting thing to revisit


Indeed I donā€™t understand the purpose of anonymity with this feature. It promotes abuse.

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What exactly have you nailed?

Iā€™m neither aggressive nor guilty, Iā€™m just tired of your boring victim complex.

And with that, Iā€™m out of this shit.

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The guidelines are simple boilerplate discourse (forum software) guidelines.

Same as many other forums who choose not to change them, such as FAQ - OP Forums

If you canā€™t adhere to them, the problem isnā€™t the guidelines.

99% of users here have no problems adhering to the guidelines.


I donā€™t see the benefits of this opinion. If flagging showed the flagger it would obviously lead to confrontational PMs about ā€œwhy did you flag meā€. This is why thereā€™s an anonymous flagging system, much the same as why whistleblowing rules are based on anonymity. As for getting rid of flags completely, how would the mods know whatā€™s happening? Weā€™d have to PM them to get stuff taken down. And stuff thatā€™s spam or abusive would thrive under such an open system.


Lol. Ok. Aggressive violent language,again.

I am just trying to convince our mods to think about the flagging system, and doing a request to change it makes me having a boring victim complex?


Feel free to flag me.


Maybe Iā€™m being too optimistic here but I see it as a way to start a private dialog. And even if itā€™s confrontational, at least itā€™s in private, preserving other users.