FM-ish examples

I saw some requests (here and elsewhere) for examples of the FM-like capabilities of Analog Four OS 1.22 so…

I recorded some of the patterns and sounds I had lying around since testing the new LFO to OSC sync features:


(Yeah, they’re a bit noisy and rough, but it’s Friday night and I need to get going!)


damn…that is some serious skillzzzz ya showin!


thanks for the demo; I might have to buy an A4 again

Hello, Simon they are great

Any chance to share them?

Any plans to have a sound pack of FM sounds?

Have a nice weekend

that’s sounds pretty awesome Simon!!!

Dig the “Soft” and “Techno” examples!

Nicely done!

Wow! These are great!

Would be so awesome if you could share these in sysex. Would love to learn to program better fm sounds. The choir sound in detroitish sounds fantastic aswell as the other fm plucks and basses.


OHHHH!!! Epic sounds dude!!!


Oh wow…this just bumped the Analog line WAY up my “To Buy” list.

success! :wink:

those were terrific little vignettes Simon :+1:

Thanks! Hopefully a soundpack when I can find the time. :slight_smile:

Okay everyone - no support tickets for at least a week. Let’s give Simon some time!

Great sounds. :+1:

Thanks Simon.

yes a soundpack with fm sounds would be very nice! At least to learn how to setup the fm in a great way and the way to find sweets spots.

Okay everyone - no support tickets for at least a week. Let’s give Simon some time!
:wink: [/quote]
Unless we all raise support tickets requesting an FM soundpack… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for posting these Simon.

They are beautiful examples of what is possible with OS1.22, but I have no idea how to go about creating melodic FM sounds, so some kind of step by step tutorial would be gratefully received too.
