Fn + kit (hold) UW only

guess what happens if you hold fn + kit for 3 seconds!

i just found out … is that like “parts” on the octatrack ? sounds different when i change samplebanks, but also within the factory kits, the machines seem to be changed (clubbing has not the baserum on BD anymore)

what a machine!

You mean song mode? or the Classic/Extended button? I’m confused.


if you are the (proud) owner of a UW version it will all make sense …

press fn + kit and hold for a few seconds, observe the display!

the result will knock your socks off !

also something funny / interesting is happening when you press fn + global, hold and wait a few seconds …

will not spoil the answer till later …

Now that is a tasty tip :smiley:


holy juice…I can’t wait to come back home and try this out!!!

I don’t think this has to do with the UW specifically as much as the +drive.

This is documented in the manual but yes it is very handy.

Make sure you have the right selection between ‘change snapshot’ and ‘load snapshot’ - could kill your work if not set up right.

Care to share what happens for us non UW/tubo users ?

It’s quick access to change sample banks/snapshots. It is handy, but it’s also a feature documented in the manual.

Ah yes, it’s the + drive. I have a UW but you can’t change snapshots on it without the + drive. No worries :joy:

allright guys … its quick change of sample bank or snapshot … i was not aware that this had to do with the +drive rather than UW version…

sorry bout that…

nonetheless i think this is pretty awesome … i am thinking of using it like the parts of the octatrack …

am I mistaken?

lets say i have BD on Rom machines and synth samples … I should / could / would be able to change my sound immediatly when switching to another bank … not?

thanks so far for all comments in this thread!

Yea i believe that would work for samplebanks - just understand that ALL your samples will change.
Changing snapshots does stop the sequencer though.
Very useful feature - but again - check yer change/load settings so you know what is happening!