For those without a plus drive, how do you fill up your samples?

I’m looking to make the jump to UW, and am curious how to plan out my UW samples. I love 80s sample music, so I was planning on getting some Fairlight and E-Mu waves for it. While it’ll mostly be drum focused, having simple bass lines or sampled hits would be also used - wanting to use it like a modern Fairlight.

Ideally split between:

Sampled kick drum tones (from 90s Roland R8/R70 and Fairlight)
Sampled snares
Sampled bass (E-Mu 2 and Fairlight, gives me some Pet Shop Boys tones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )
Random analog kit samples, probably the tom from my rhythm ace, a single 808 kick … Very specific tones I’d want readily available
Oddball samples (Fairlight strings, clangy wavetable like hits)

I love the straight MD sounds, so I’m not wanting to add a lot!

What do you all like to fill the sample banks with???

I mainly sample on the fly va ram machines from an old 20 gig iPod which has wolfenson dacs
I have huge wav sample banks on the iPod taken from the jp6, Juno 106 and korg monopoly
really this is easier for me than using a plus dive

I don’t have a plus drive, or UW. If I had UW and no plus drive, I would not load anything. I would save the space to sample internally. Great sounds can be made layering multiple sounds. Sampling can then free up tracks.

I’m planning on upgrading to a + drive for my MD, because you can fit so few samples in there. I have mine filled with samples I’ve recorded myself with a Zoom Recorder, basically just one shots, hits of things. Woodblock, stones falling on floor, cat food rattling, that sort of stuff. It sounds lovely treated with some MD-dirt. But I wish I had more space.

I’d definitely get the + Drive if I were you. :slight_smile:

when i had my korg emx i sampled all the drum sounds into ableton, and made a midi library out of it … i still have it, its only half way done, but it is basically a 10 min wav sound (actually ableton sound file) with each drum hit recorded

anybody want it?

ableton 9 sound to midi (or something similar) is the key here!

Sampling with MD is pain in the ass (you need 20-30 minutes to fill the MD with just few samples + organize them into the bloody difficult snapshots, samplebanks and kits). It’s hard work and you need much much time, I think the MD is not really for sampling but for synthesis. IMO if you are on sampling you are much faster for example with a NI Maschine (drag & drop the samples in 1 min and ready to rock).