Forgotten a MD trick

Hi all,

I remember seeing (and once trying out successfully) a trick on the MD where you hold function + something else and are essentially given control all without needing to create a control all machine. I also remember (I think) that pressing function again reverts it back to initial settings before the tweaks.

Anyone know what I am talking about, and if so please share!


Hold function + turn encoder on parameter/s of desire to edit that relative parameter across all MD tracks.

Function + Classic = reset to last saved version of kit.

That’s it! Thanks!

I use this all the time with the latest OS but sometimes on the midi machines I find some of the controller settings don’t revert back to the original setting after Function + Classic… Anybody else notice this…

i’ve noticed this on occasion as well, but i’ve found that switching to classic mode seems to “complete” the function+classic kit reload if it doesn’t totally work. so i got in the habit of pressing function+classic and then tapping classic 2 extra times really fast, to go into classic and right back to extended.

Thx for that tip… Saves me from having to go back to midi-machines and tweaking the controls…