Formatting cf in 1.25b

…could’nt find any issues on search, that matches mine…

tried to format via ot’s internal format function two cf cards already…

but once it says fomatting it just won’t stop again…it’s liturally formatting FOREVER AND EVER…

one cf card is completey useless after shutting down while/after formatting the whole night!!!
the other is actually working, also after shutting down during formatting, that was going on and on for another night…

i need to set up two identical cards…wanna be sure their fine…i’d go crazy if i start fixing a live set for eternity and finding out the next day the card headers are crap and so is all the work i’ve done the night before…

so how do i proceed to make sure i got two plain and clean cards ready to rumble…?

First off, check and make sure there are no bent pins in the OT’s card reader slot. If all looks well then try formatting the cards on a computer as fat 32 first. If that works then try again on the OT or just use it as is. The format should work as far as I know so if it still fails after working on the computer then I would think something is up with the OT.

…the card reader works properly…

this ot is brand new…it better does.

no probs with the preset card…and no trouble with one of my own…
but the other is just dead since neverending formatting process via ot, shutted down the next morning…
did the same with the other one …but that actually works…
and both where formatted in fat32 in first place by a computer…just to make sure…

so, i don’t need to extra format with the ot, if the card comes straight from the shelf…
they’re all preformatted fat 32 anyway…right?

usb disk mode is fine here, too…

And just reformmating as FAT32 via computer, ignoring any OT functionality?

How does that work?

If it does work for one, then try reformatting (again) via the OT, and see what happens.

…that’s what i did in first place…

Yeah, AFAIK, they are just FAT32, so need to use the internal format process, especially if it will cause you grief.

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…need…or no need?

i guess no need…so i just buy another two, brandnew ones and take it from there…?

No need as far as I’m aware… I’ve never used the internal (Octatack) process to do it.

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…that’s good news…thanx.

My 64GB Sandisk Extreme class 7 showed a formatting in the OT for 3 hours. I finally hit No to exit and powered down. Then tried accessing via USB mode and the CF was fine - seen by Win10 as a healthy FAT32 drive. I suspect the Formatting process does not terminate properly if running for too long even though the card was properly formatted.

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