Forum is slow

I could tolerate the slow, but the 6 hours this place was unavailable for tonight was just embarrassing. This forum is a front end for Elektron; I would expect them to put a bit more elbow grease into making it run smoothly. I dunno if they need a new server or what, but I haven’t seen something run this badly since AOL on Windows 95.

I am in Australia. I thought it was slow at about 10 seconds loading per page but I see I am doing quite well. Is this a new thing or has it always been like this?

Unbearably slow. If this is the official Elektron forum / place to go for answers about their gear then it needs to be fixed.

It used to be faster, it feels like it’s getting incrementally slower.

Unbearably slow…and one of the one’s I would like to visit the most.

Not a good combination…

Hand in pocket; pay money, get bandwidth!

Please, I get gateway timeouts all the time.

Tried pinging the site over HEAD, 38321ms to get a 200 response from!

yep, slow here in london, email alerts for subscribed threads don’t work and no RSS feed.

i appreciate HQ are very busy, but this really needs sorting out. the old EU worked much better :confused:

There are definite peaks and troughs with the forum’s speed. I’m on here far more than I should be and there are some days I’ll only get GatewayTimeouts for hours and others that it will take an age to load comment boxes or to move around the forum. Having never ran my own website/forum I have zero understanding of what could be causing this but it is very annoying!

premium gear + enthusiastic contributors + budget hosting = PAIN or FAIL
on iOS ? forget it !

By far the worst of any site I visit. “Slow” is on a good day, often it just times out…

I assume this forum is BETA … i am really unhappy OFTEN ! … how bout we move over to Reddit ( for a while to scare the shit out of elektron ? )

Same here, stupidly slow, or even times out so often …

Strange because I can get to their online shop lightning fast. :thinking:

Always slow - often times out.
The flash is unnecessary and dare I say obnoxious. I don’t like browsing a forum with a tab open per message because I can’t properly just hit back…I tried that once, and now I just dont even care to stay on top of it.

We’ve all said it before - but PhpBB would be a great option for this site. Might be less overhead on the server too.

Hey Shoki
Love your profile pic ! :+1:

Same here in Brooklyn. I get timeouts all the time. Good to know I’m not the only one.

Loading speed of the forum is mostly fast/normal here (Germany), but there are bursts of 504s that seem to last upward to fifteen minutes, then it is back to normal. I’ve only been here for about a week, though.

Reporting back from Berlin on central Europe time.
Yes I get a lot of “time outs” as well, daytime and in the evenings. Loading pages in general seems to be slow compared to other forums too…
