Forum is slow


Might be related to the forum running on a test environment but generally loading times feel slow/sluggish.

Will this improve when the forum goes out of beta?

Also slow here in West Coast Canada. Pages will often take several seconds to load.

It takes minutes for me to load a page.

The general feel is sluggish, confused, and makes using the forums an annoying and frustrating experience.

It’s unnecessarily clunky.

Yep. Not up to speed experienced of common forums.

Actually it take some times for me to log in, but browsing the forum is faster than the Elektron-Users forum.

Slow here as well.

…has anyone noticed a change on the forum’ speed? seems to be a bit faster than usual :slight_smile:

nah, still slow as hell here in Germany. Takes up to a minute to load when i first load the Page after i restarted my Computer. Still laggy but at least “browseable” though after that initial wait is over

Yes but it’s difficult to have a private server depend of the needs, it’s really expensive + Content Delivery Network Cost etc… if you not make high amount of business with the website it’s understandable, it need very qualify people of maintain that, security and stuff like that. Probably it’s on a share hosting plan. it’s difficult to cache a forum because it’s always in movement… etc…

BUT yes it’s SLOW, but also a nice idea to get all people linked, to help a bit and discuss… no matter what the geographic distance etc…

EDIT: i don’t know if a lot of people use the add an image function but it’s probably a wrong choice to permit that because people doesn’t optimize their image they don’t know how to do that and/or don’t want to take time. But with image share website like imageshack and others forum can work like to share a youtube video. Upload image in the forum probably charged the mysql database … i don’t know if people use it a lot but that’s the first thing i think in the process of optimisation. Javascript is local in a folder js it’s probably better to use External js on google CDN or something. There’s a loading font as well which is charge a bit the process

Anyway i like this forum and come every day to see what’s happening here and it’s cool at the end

Hehe, i can still remember the Tons and Tons of Elektronauts Stickers on MusikMesse this year. If Elektron had not invested into those stickers they would have had money left to invest into the Forum they actually advertised with them :joy:

I must admit - at this point - that a lot of times i have similar issues with the actualy Elektron Homepage itself! Its not that heavy but its similar. So my guess is that they have it on their servers and just partitioned a very small space for the Forum to have the most left for I could easily imagine that the server is an ESX-Server or some Hyper-V thing and that the VM this Forum is installed on is just cut heavily on ressources. But thats only a guess.

Still slow, and just to open this window to write this message, took 3.4 seconds to open/charge. (and yes, I have a normal fast line and recent computer).

I mean, if browsing speed was faster, it could make the site even better.

It seems to be getting slower and slower over time.

For me it’s faster when Europe is asleep…

MacBook=no problem.
IPhone 5s ios8= soooo slooooooowwww.

The frontend itself isn’t that slow, server response times are usually 10s and more. Using a lot of ajax requests doesn’t help in that regard.

I just guess the server’s on its limit during peak times.

Because the forum does the continuous scroll thing on the forum activity page and it’s a PITA to view more than one page, I’ve been copying the links to individual threads to a new tab. Seems to load faster than just clicking on the link itself, even with all the copying and pasting on iOS. Wtf is up with that?

A Vanilla site like operator-1 is so much quicker… or an option to use Tapatalk would be good, but yes this site is painfully slow

It’s like loading a 16 bar sample into the AR.

Seriously painfully slow. Makes me not come here sometimes. No other sites I visit have this problem.

You wouldn’t happen to be spinning on a lovely AWS instance by any chance? -yup elektronauts is slow


no fun at all!

please improve it.

much greetings,

mark boombastik