Found yet unknown sound generation on Rytm (spoiler: minimoogish filter ping)

A bit puzzling:

TRIG page
synth off
sample on - and when you make it off - it won’t play

volume setting irrelevant

sample slot: OFF (!)
level: non-zero or won’t produce sound

I may have confused something, but essentially, synth off and no sample selected, and this channel does play.
Is that some RYTM’s secret weapon?


What does it play?

RYTM is still a bit buggy at times. I’ve had a few weird things happen that I couldn’t fix. I had one track where the filter cutoff wouldn’t respond to knob movements but all other tracks were fine, thought I was going to have to send it back…opened up a new project and the problem was gone. Sometimes things become unresponsive… it’s rare but it happens.

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Essentially, filter (PK type)'s resonance as it is set to 127. As I pull it down, the sound gradually disappears.
The pitch is varied by filter envelope. Despite no sample selected and no bit reduction (in case it mattered), it appears that it is the sampler’s circuitry that is feeding something into the filter because when sampler module gets switched off, filter stops producing the sound.
And muting midi notes stops sound generation.

I have such intuitions at times, however, the ‘bugginess’ or occassional - what I would call it - unpredictability has been very musical so far :slight_smile:

I like this sound, so I guess I had better sample it before the next update.

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Have you got that pads Drive turned up?

Lowering this does not mute the sound.

OK, I have managed to replicate this, so try for yourselves.
Switch off sampler and synth, zero their volumes, raise filter resonance and change to audible frequency. Filter type does not matter. OD makes not difference. Looks like midi note on triggers and off mutes self-oscillation of the filter but very peculiar: undistorted, as if it were sine wave, indifferent to adsr settings.

Okay, this IS filter self-oscillation. I somehow imagined it would be distorted but it is not. Looks like Rytm has minimoog functionalities :smiley: :

Interestingly, unlike in minimoog, in Rytm this happends without the expense of filter, so if you choose a LP/BP/HP, resonance gives you this sound while cutoff does its thing.

Sounds like you’re pinging the filter. Sending a trig to a self oscillating filter (high resonance).

This is a great way of getting some solid kicks, sine wave kicks have a real omphf to them.

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To ping your filter you can also use the Inpulse machine, also available on the Syntakt.
Have fun with the LFO on filter frequency and the filter envelope :slight_smile:

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Solid kicks and even subkick / subbass :slight_smile:

I was going to get familiar with Impulse machines as one of next steps actually. There was even a sysex of presets provided by an Elektronaut somewhere. Need to have a look.

Ping the filter - I wonder what the mechanism actually is, and if it is achievable through voltage rather than digital control. Minimoog example would suggest that yes.

Cheers guys.

but not at the same time until next update, right? One LFO…

I mean: have fun with the filter envelope and the LFO on filter frequency :sweat_smile:

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