FR: A4 Kit Editor knob fine-tuning

I find it difficult to dial in the values I want on the knobs in the editor. I often over/under shoot and have to make tiny, muscle-cramp inducing movements to get to the value I am aiming for.

I know you can double-click the number to enter it directly and that’s a welcome feature. I also see there is an option to “Enable mousewheel for knobs and sliders” but this seems to jump 4 at a time. If this was changed to 1, it would be more useful.

Some VSTs approach the fine-tuning problem by adjusting the rate of change with respect to the distance that the mouse pointer is away from the knob. Some use SHIFT or CTRL to fine-tune.

Ideally, I would like to use SHIFT + mouse to fine-tune the parameter and CTRL + mouse to snap to useful values (eg 16,32,48,64 on the LFO speed).

Any other thoughts/suggestions on how editing could be improved?

The knobs and sliders have a change value, that have an inherent bug where if you change the value, it rounds to the next value… So if using increments of 1, and you set it to 3… when changed back to increments of 10, it rounds to 0; if using increments of 1, and you set it to 7… when changed back to increments of 10 it rounds to 10.

That should be doable easy enough.

I think I get what you are saying but, how do you change the ‘increments’?

Don’t know, I don’t use Overbridge. Only tried it once. Bit too busy to make any music.

I’ve kinda given up now the plugins don’t talk nice with Max, so I’m well outta experience here, but I thought there were lots of undocumented hot key ways to fine tune ux etc etc but I also agree that in some regards it is clunky, some adjustments seem to take far too much scrolling to step up

it kinda mirrors some sides of the A4 where you need to dial in with the steadiness of a brain surgeon on one hand and twiddle furiously to make things happen on the other

some of the soft-detent snaps are so handy, but far too few have been implemented, that’s an easy thing to add in IMHO and the benefit is huge for many of us

I think the same ought to apply to the plugins, arguably more so, there is so much scope to make it a workflow booster rather than merely making it a larger breakout screen of a list of parameters

the finesse of getting the mouse and finger feel just right is more objectively quantifiable than it is a subjective issue imho, it’s mostly there, but just a bit frustrating in some areas

have you tried all the usual suspects as modifier keys ? a few of the hidden ones were discussed on the first thread on OB plugin

I’m on PC, so just SHIFT (does nothing), CTRL (mouse disappears!?) and ALT (snaps to zero).

I’ll have a look for that thread.