Freaking awesome

got a used md a couple of days ago. today first try on visit the weekend so i just brought md and headphones.
I must say I NEVER expexted what is coming out of it. the sound to my ears is very clean but not missing of pressure.
16 channels is just awesome.
wanted to hust check and fiddle a bit and now i got an awesome loop going.
Had several pieces of hardware but this one is just mad.

edit: after one or two hours in i have to say this is by way the most versatile gear and most to have fun with (by far) i ever had.

plus the sound is really crisp and there.

edit2: i think probably the best bit of hardware i ever had. so impressed…


A really nice piece of gear.

A must have.

Nice to read you love it, because you already have other Elektron gear, and you could have find it less interesting.

This old model keep its great and powerfull creative capability despite of lacking some modern and efficient os development.

My first Elektron. My preference.