Free overbridge host, no sequencing required

i use overbridge to set up my kits, tweak all the parameters, …
i dont do any sequencing. i trigger my AR from an external drumkit (so the new OS1.30B machines are great for me and i would really love to fully use them, asap).

before upgrading to overbridge 1.10 this worked perfectly with reaper 0.999 (last free version). since installing 1.10 (and OS1.30B on AR), overbridge does not work any longer from within reaper. the plugin is opened, but there is only one way feedback(AR to OB), complete report is here:
[Overbridge 1.10 not working](http://free overbridge host, no sequencing required)
as my DAW requirements are very low, i would like to proceed with a freeware (or at least low-cost) solution.
can anybody recommend a stable DAW solution for overbridge?

I have an unused Ableton Live Lite licence you can have if that helps?

Free and very light, simply turns the ‘plug in’ in to a stand alone executable program!

perfect !! and so simple - no install.
thanks a lot

thanks a lot for the offer.
could you give it to me for free or do you want to sell it.
i got a simple and working solution for my problem (savihost, see next answer), but it would be nice to have an ableton lite license to test some time.

This one is cool too, but I haven’t tried it with OverBridge yet.

You might try EigenD.

Not so straightforward but free and with a lot of possibilities

Here’s the vid tut on VST hosting:

If you’re a really cool guy you could download JUCE and compile their graph based test host.

I extended that host for my own purposes (so I can sequence my coffee machine, automate the toaster, trigger the dishes etc). Havn’t used a commercial DAW in years.


I’m a cool guy srejv :wink:

We’ll talk about this sometime…

I’d been using this fine until I installed Overbridge 1.10.1, but after the update it’s not been working for me at all. Reaper will load the plugin, but I don’t really want to be running a DAW just to use a VST for tweaking the A4 out of the box.

strange, for me it was the other way round: reaper worked until instalallation of 1.10 and stopped adressing my AR after that.
savihost fixed this (sometimes i have to replug to make it work)

Hi brt.
You can have if for free mate.
I’m at work at the moment but I’ll pm you serial when I get home.